{Chapter 25}

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♤Matthew's POV♤

"They-they stabbed m-me."

"What! When! Xi i'm so sorry! Where!"

"My ab-domen." She stuttered rolling over to show me. A pool of blood surrounded her.

Fuck. Fuck. She can't die.

"HELLO! ONE OF YOU BITCHES COME DOWN HERE NOW!" I shouted making Xia wince.

"Look who finally woke up again. I was wondering if I gave you to much, guess not." Rennee sneered.

"I know you still love me. Both of you do, so please, let me out so I can help her."

Esmeralda and Rennee have been my....entertainers for a while.

What? A teenage boy has needs.

"Only on one condition."

"Anything name it!"

"Say you hate your whore."

"My who?" I asked confused.


My principessa is in Italy! What a badass!

"First of all, watch your mouth about my wife. Second, why does she matter right now? I need you to help Xia. PLEASE!"

"Sadly, she does matter. She's the one you've always cared for. Her instead of me! It's not fair!"

"I cared for you once until you decided to sleep with every male at school. Hell, you even tried to sleep with my own brother." I stated.

"I said I was sorry. I didn't have any feelings for any of them I was just bored okay."

"You were just bored of me showering you with gifts and my love...thanks."

"I didn't- I didn't mean it like that and you know I didn't. I just-"

"Just let me out so I can fucking help her dammit!" I yelled making Xia and Rennee flinch.

"I will if you just say Neveah doesn't matter."

"Only if you promise to help Xia."

"I promise babe." She slithered.

"I don't care about her."

"And you only care about me."

"And I only care about you." I mumbled.

"Good." The bitch opened the cage and uncuffed me. I ran over to Xia as Rennee opened her cage. I took off my shirt and applied pressure to her wound.

"She needs a hospital. Please."

"Fucking hell. Why can't she just die you said you loved me." She whined.

When the hell did I ever say that bullshit???

"I will love and spoil you after we get her to the hospital!"

"Ok daddy. Follow me." She glistened.

I gathered Xia in my arms, being careful of her wounds and followed Rennee outside the basement, up the stairs and into the light.

We were in the middle of the woods....

The only thing there besides a door that leads to the basement was a truck. I put Xia in the truck and got on the drivers side.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Bitch, fuck it look like?

"I'm going to drive. I don't trust you to get us there in time." I answered.

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