Chapter 21- Who will it be?

Start from the beginning

            Will used his free hand to hug me back. “I never meant to hurt you,” he whispered making me burst into a fresh set of tears.

            “You’re making me all emotional,” I cried, simultaneously attempting to stop the flow of tears. I was just overwhelmed with feelings. This is what I had wanted all along. Will managed to come all the way from the hospital just to open up to me and fight for me. This is what I had wanted, but now I wasn’t sure if it was a better late than never moment or too little too late.

            There was another knock on the door and then Cleo came in. I glared at her and Will took that as his cue to leave.

            “I know you’re mad at me and you don’t want to talk to me, but it wasn’t my place to tell you. That was between you and Will,” she said. “Jade, I love you and you’re my best friend. Please don’t be mad at me.”

            I sighed. Through it all, Cleo was the only who would put up with me and me with her. We were best friends, through thick and thin, betrayal and trust.

            “Come here,” I said rolling my eyes and holding my arms out for a hug.

            “Awww, yay!” she exclaimed running into my hug. “I’m sorry for everything OK? I know I’m a shit friend, but we can be messed up together.” She squeezed me.

            “No need to suffocate me,” I wheezed.

            “I’m serious. You are the best friend I’ve ever had,” she said looking me in the eye. “And I’m going to fix this. I will give Brock his ring and you won’t be involved,” she said taking a deep breath.

            I shook my head. “Now what kind of friend would I be if I let you do this all on your own,” I smirked.

            “I was hoping you’d say that. I have an epic plan.”

            “Oh so you just knew I wasn’t going to let you do this alone?”

            “Duh! You wouldn’t want to miss out on the fun!”

            I couldn’t argue with that. “What’s the plan?” I asked ready for the excitement to come.


            “So, what happened with you and Cameron?” Cleo asked as we got ready to set her plan in motion.

            “We might have made out and Will might have seen,” I admitted while putting on my cherry red lipstick.

            “I knew something went on! So now you’re in between boys, huh?” she replied absentmindedly, while tying her hair up in a ponytail.

            “I guess so,” I said taking one last look in the mirror.

            “Are you ready Lola?” Cleo smirked.

            “Let’s do it.”

            I stepped out of the restroom and took a seat on a barstool next to a big buff brown haired guy with a five o’clock shadow. His hair was slicked back and he had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

            “Crystalline,” I said, not looking at him and keeping my voice sturdy.

            He faced me and smirked, greedily eyeing me. “So you’re Lola, huh?” His eyes were red from whatever drugs he had been taking.

            “What’s it to you? Brock, right?” I asked boredly.

            He chuckled. “Yeah, you’re spunky. I like that. Now what’s a pretty, young girl like you doing in a messed up business like this?”

            I faced him and he puffed his cigarette smoke in my face. I didn’t flinch. “What business are you talking about?” I asked innocently batting my eyelashes.

            He chuckled again. “Don’t play dumb with me. You know what I’m talking about.”

            “You mean the stolen goods and drugs?” I smirked.

           “Yeah. That. Now do you have the ring or not?” he asked gruffly. He was starting to get suspicious of me.

            “Yea I have the ring. But how do I know I’m gonna be allowed to walk out of here?”

            “Such a pretty girl, so many questions,” he replied putting out his cigarette in the ashtray. He looked back at me with a smirk. “The answer to your question is you’re not.”

            “Oh really?” I asked, seeing the guys around us eyeing me. I guess they were his back-up, but I had a little back-up of my own.

            “Yes really. Now hand over the ring, will ya?” he smirked thinking he’d played me like a drum. That’s when we heard the sirens.

            Now it was my turn to smirk at Brock. “No, I don’t think I will."

            After the police had arrested Brock and his gang, we handed over the ring and the recording of my conversation with Brock, which was enough to get him and his gang locked up. We went out for a victory ice cream in celebration.

            “You were so good as Lola!” Cleo gushed as she ate a spoonful of her strawberry ice cream.

            “And your idea to call 999 that a robbery was taking place was genius!” I exclaimed as I ate a spoonful of my vanilla ice cream. “We make a good team.”

            “Mhmm, but now to more serious matters. Who are you going to choose? Will or Cameron?” she asked.


Who will it be? Feel free to leave a comment and thank you for reading!

Stay perfectly bad, xo

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