Chapter 51

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Rafael took a deep breath, rubbing his hands nervously together. The interrogation room had never been so cold. As a matter of fact, everything felt so cold since Randy's visit. He remembered how he had spent hours in his car, contemplating within himself, fighting and convincing himself on what he was about to do,

It had to be done. It was the right thing to do. The only thing to do.

He kept saying those words in his head to convince himself. It was something he thought he had to do. He could feel Ahmed's gaze on him from across the metal desk. He had a huge smile on his face. Too bad that it was going to turn to a huge frown in a couple on minutes. The thought of crushing the hopes of the man sitting in front of him the moment that door opened made Rafael shut his eyes for a minute and then take a deep breath.

He shook the moment he heard the rattling sound of the door just as Ahmed got up quickly to welcome his brother as the policeman pulled him inside, the chains on his hands and legs, rattling with every step that he made to the table.

Rafael turned to see the smile on Musa's face as he walked into his brother's embrace.

"Alhamdulillah." Ahmed exclaimed as he led his brother to the desk. "You look even better than the last time we stopped by."

"I started eating again when the judge agreed to hold off my death sentence till after trial." He said slowly sitting across Rafael as his brother sat right beside him. "I have hope now. I'm not going to die. And it's all thanks to Mr Okonkwo." He slowly turned to Rafael, making sure Rafael could see just how happy and grateful he was. Rafael rose his head to him. "You've given me a reason to be hopeful. A reason to want to fight. I owe you my life."

Rafael let out a tiny smile.

"You sounded urgent on the phone." Ahmed cut them off, looking at Rafael with his bright eyes. "You asked for this meeting. I wonder what it is you have to tell us that couldn't wait until tomorrow. Is there good news? An update on the case? Did you find evidence?"

Rafael let out a soft exhale, raising his brows, wondering how he was going to break the news to them without breaking their hearts.

He let out another sigh, rubbing his arms together and then slowly reached for the file in front of him. He got out a paper and then pushed it to them. Ahmed hesitated for a while and then slowly reached for it, maintaining the bright smile on his face. He slowly turned to the paper.

"As from today, I can not be your lawyer anymore."
Rafael started, focusing his eyes on Musa whose smile slowly faded the moment he heard the news. Ahmed slowly rose his head to face Rafael . Rafael watched the two brothers exchange confused glances before they turned back to Rafael.

"I-I don't understand." Ahmed started. "Where is this coming from?"

"I can't really explain it but-"

"No, you have to explain this. We had a deal!" Ahmed was almost raising his voice now. "You promised to help us. Why are you turning your back on us now? Why are you going back on your word?"

"Ahmed." His brother stopped him from raising his voice even more. "Calm yourself." Musa had his eyes glued on Rafael. Rafael could see how his eyes suddenly went dim in surprise.

"What happened Mr Okonkwo?" Musa leaned closer. "Did I do anything wrong? Did you find anything that could threaten your life?"

Rafael scoffed.

"You didn't do anything wrong." He could barely even look at him. "I just- this case is, it's above me now."

"You were right brother." Ahmed cut him off. "We were fools to think he'd take our side when his family is on the line. He's not taking the case so he could protect his family. His father. Because he knows they'd loose everything if your innocence is proven." Ahmed lowered his gaze to him. "How can you do this to us? How can you give us hope and then take it from us? Trial is in a month. Have you forgotten the deal we had? Have you forgotten what's at stake here?"

Rafael scoffed.
Now Ahmed was back to threatening him again. Just great. If only he knew how dead he wished he was at that moment. Death was the least thing he was scared of.

"I'm not taking anything from you. All I'm saying is I can't get involved in this case. It doesn't mean the case can't go on. It just means I can't be your lawyer. You can always find someone else. I can recommend some to you. You wouldn't have to pay for anything. I'd handle all the bills."

"Another lawyer?" Ahmed scoffed. "This case is as good as lost then, and my brother is as good as dead."

"You don't have to." Musa cut him off as they both turned to Musa who had his eyes glued on Rafael. "We don't need your money or your pity." He continued and then scoffed. "I don't know why I even agreed to this in the first place. It's what people like you are good at- taking advantage of people's weakness and then throwing them away right where you found them when the going gets though. I wanted to believe you were different. For a short while, it felt like you were different, way different than the rest of them. Guess I was wrong to even dream of it."

Musa got up quickly, his chains rattling again. He took a step away from the table.

"Brother-" Ahmed turned around as he watched him walk away from the desk and towards the door. Ahmed got up too and then hurried to him. He grabbed his arm causing Musa to turn.

"Don't give up yet." He looked into his eyes with his teary ones. "It's not the end of the road. I'd find a way. I'd find someone else. We are going to prove your innocence and get justice for all those years you lost. For all those people."

Musa forced a smile on his face and then managed to place his hand on his brother's. He tapped them gently and then nodded, pretending to believe him.

Ahmed sniffed just as Musa turned back to the door.

"I'm done here!" He yelled so the policeman outside the door could hear him.

Rafael shut his eyes and then took deep breaths the moment he heard the door open and then close. He was almost sure Musa was out of the room now. He could also feel Ahmed's stare on him.

He exhaled.

So much for being on the side of justice.

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