Chapter 57

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"Amy, wait!"

Tony kept on hurrying as fast as he could just so he could meet up with Amy who was already finding her way past all those people, her eyes and attention glued to the white plastic door right in front of her. She didn't dare look back.

Amy pushed the door open and then walked into the changing room as fast as she could. She felt so suffocated.

"Skye. What's up?"
She ignored the women that greeted her as they walked away from the room already dressed for the evening. Amy walked straight to the mirror just as the door flew open again and then Tony walked in right behind her.

She reached for her bag from inside her locker and then got out her facial wipes so she could clean her make up off her face. Her hands were shaking. She could not even bring herself to look at him even when she could feel his presence closer to her now, his cologne filling the air. Tony looked around with ease, waiting for the women in the room to leave first. He could see Amy forcefully cleaning off her red lipstick as hard as she could, her eyes glued to the huge mirror in front of her.

She held her breath when she saw his gaze shift on her from the mirror as he took slow steps to her.

"What do you want Tony?" She let out a sigh as she threw the facial wipes in the bin close to her and then picked up another one. "Why did you follow me in here? Have you come to have your laugh? To gloat?"

"Amy, I-don't, I don't understand."

Amy scoffed and then turned to face him. She could see a glimpse of confusion in his little eyes. His focus was only on her.

"What don't you understand?"

"I don't understand why you're here. Dressed like this." He took a quick look at her from head to toe. "Dressed like a - like a-" He was really trying so hard to bite back on his words.

"Like a what? Like a stripper?" She cut him off, trying so hard to maintain her humor. "Isn't that what I am?"

"This is not what you-" Tony took a deep breath. "You can't be doing this."

"It's just dancing Tony, it's not like I'm sleeping with anyone." She slowly turned back to the mirror . "Chilax." Amy's head was trying so hard not to explode every time she acted like she wasn't affected by what Tony was beginning to think of her, every time she acted so unbothered and cool.

"Aren't you supposed to be working in some company? Does Olivia know about this? Does she know what you do?"

Amy dropped her wipes in frustration, hitting her hand on the slab as she hurriedly turned to face him.

"What I do is no one's business." Now she was raising her voice at him. "Not Olivia's, and definitely not yours. She doesn't know anything and we are going to keep it that way. You can't tell anyone you saw me here today. You can't tell anyone at all."

"This won't do." Tony grabbed her hand. "Where are your clothes? Put them on. I'm taking you home."

"Let go of me!" She pulled her arm away from him with every force she had in her body. It was bad enough he had to see her like that. Engaging in that unending conversation with him, broke her heart even more. She just wanted him to leave. She wanted to be alone. "How dare you?" She asked him. "Just who do you think you are to meddle in my business and tell me what to do?"

"I'm your friend!" Tony yelled back at her.

Amy scoffed, forcing herself not to laugh. Tony let out an exasperated sigh. This was getting really exhausting.

"Did I just hear you call yourself my friend?" She asked him. "Since when were we friends?"

"God, Amarachi-"

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