Chapter 61

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Felix inhaled sharply, wincing in pain the moment the cold cloth filled with ice came in contact with his cheek, passing a shocking current through his veins.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Olivia winced too like she was the one with the pain. She couldn't help but feel guilty for what happened to Felix. Rafael had hit him so hard that his cheek was beginning to swell and now she had to put it on herself to take care of it. The look of concern was evident in her eyes.

"It's okay." Felix couldn't count how many times he had said that to her already. He slowly turned to face her, watching her slowly as she dabbed the cloth on his cheek gently.

"To be honest, I don't feel bad this happened to me. At least it gave me a chance to be like this with you." Olivia slowly lowered her gaze to him. "I've always wanted to be alone with you. To talk. There's something I've got to tell you-"

"Felix." Olivia stopped him for a second, slowly lowering her hand from his face as a frown covered her lips. She could see how the smile on Felix's face had begun to fade too. "Felix, I'm sorry but whatever it is you're thinking," She rose her head to meet his. "It can't work between us." She continued, trying to be as brave as she could. "It's because that space in my heart already belongs to someone else."

Felix held his breath for a while and then swallowed hard.

"It's Mr Superman isn't it? The guy that came over earlier? The one that attacked me?"

Olivia let out an exasperated sigh.

"I'm sorry." Now she was beginning to feel so ashamed for what Rafael had done. Just how many times did she need to apologize? "He's not always like that. He's really a good person. We've not just really been on the same page lately and so his emotions got the best of him."

"Does his emotions always get the best of him?" Felix glared at her.

"Ehn?" Olivia wasn't sure she got that.

"What if his emotions get the best of him next time and he takes it out on you?"

Olivia let out a faint chuckle.

"Oh, Rafael is a lot of things but not a woman beater. He wouldn't even hit me if I had a knife to his neck."

"You trust him." Felix pouted. "I must say he's really important to you."

Olivia forced a short smile on her face.

"But I know your story Olivia Kalu. I know a lot about you. A lot about your past. About your ex husband and his family. You keep falling into the trap of all these rich people. Don't you think it's time you turned your boat over and tried the simple life? Try falling in love with someone just like you? Someone whose life isn't rich and complicated? A simple life? Don't you want that?"

"I used to." Olivia inhaled. "But I mean, we can't get to choose who we love, can we? It just happens. We just love. And that's what the situation is between Rafael and I. We have been through so much, you have no idea. We didn't plan to fall for each other, it just happened. That's the thing with love. It just happens." Olivia shrugged her shoulders, hoping he understood perfectly with the way he was starring at her.

Felix let out an exhale and then relaxed in his sofa.

"Okay." He told her.

"Wait." Olivia frowned. "Just like that?" Olivia asked him, excited in her heart that they didn't have to dwell on the subject for so long.

"Of course." He answered. "I just really hope he treats you okay. I hope you both solve whatever issues you have and just be happy. Life is too short to waste precious time in an unending beef because the moment he lets you go, I'd take you from him."

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