Chapter 52

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Rafael walked up the long spiral stairs lazily. All he needed was a long rest from all that thinking and heart breaking.  He could feel the aching pain around his shoulders with every step he took, and the exhausting pain in his temple region. He was so tired, trying so hard to keep his eyes open at least, till he was in his room.

Rafael held on tight to his suit's jacket as he got to the last stair.


Rafael halted for a second the moment he heard Amy call his name from behind him. He turned abruptly so he could see her as she rushed to him. Rafael could see the tension in her eyes, anxiety as she stared at him, twirling her fingers around each other, walking nervously to him till she got closer.

"Thank God you're home." She let out a soft exhale. "I've been trying to reach you all afternoon."

Rafael narrowed his brows wondering why; wondering if anything was wrong.

"It's your fiancée. She found the location of the tapes her mother left for her." Amy glared into his eyes. She could feel how his frown worsen as he pushed his head closer to her like he didn't understand. Of course he didn't. Olivia hadn't entirely been keeping him up to date on their secret mission and now she was spilling everything to him. She shook her head.

"It's a long story." She knew she didn't have enough time to explain. She wouldn't even know where to start. "Aunty Adaora hid some tapes in Olivia's old doll. Tapes that contain evidence of the perpetrators of the ALCS case. The real bad guys and also, probably her parents real murderers."

Rafael held his breath.

"Olivia has locked herself in her room all afternoon listening to those tapes. It's been hours." Amy's voice broke like as if she was about to cry. "She won't let me come in, she won't come out, she won't even eat. You're the only one that can stop her. I'm scared if she keeps going on like this, she might actually loose her mind-"

The door opened quickly. Both Rafael and Amy turned to the room as Olivia stepped out and stood in front of it, her eyes glued to Rafael.

"Olivia," Amy exhaled and then took a step to her.

"Can we talk?"
She definitely wasn't talking to Amy. Amy traced her gaze to where Rafael stood behind her, his eyes glued to Olivia's face. He could see the look of surprise written all over her face.

What was it? Did she know everything already? Was she upset?

Talk about wrong timing .
Rafael swallowed hard.


Amy frowned as Olivia walked back into the room and Rafael walked towards it.

What about me?

She wanted to ask with all her heart but she found herself stuttering until the door closed with a loud thud behind Rafael. Olivia closed the door.

She probably didn't want Amy to hear anything yet.

Rafael let out a soft exhale as he watched Olivia hurry to the scattered bed as fast as she could, tucking her hair behind her ears. Rafael could feel his palms become wet all of a sudden as he took a quick scan around the television area. The huge tape player was the first thing he saw. It wasn't there before. He watched Olivia get closer to it and then open it so she could take out the tape from inside.

She stood still for a second, saying some words in her head to give herself the strength and courage she needed before she slowly turned around with the tape and then hurried to Rafael who just stood there, watching her every move. She got in front of him and then rose the tapes so he could see it. Rafael could see how she was barely even smiling. She had her scared look on, the look she always made when she was surprised and confused.

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