Chapter 62

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"Welcome home Sir,"

Randy frowned at the maid that greeted him the moment he walked into the large house, holding on tight to his stick for support while the two men behind him escorted him down the hallway. The house was extremely quiet. Too quiet than it usually was. It was almost like no one was even home at all.

Randy took a quick glance around the house, settling his eyes on the empty stairs the twins usually used to run on. Not even the maids were in sight. He took a deep breath and then turned to the glass right beside him. He could see a figure inside the huge room.

Randy walked inside the living room immediately, a huge frown covering his face the moment he noticed Sommadinah sitting so helplessly drunk on the ground, right in front of one of the leather couches with an almost empty bottle of red wine beside her. He watched her sniff hard, pretending not to see him come in as she slowly reached for the bottle again.

Randy took a deep breath, shaking his head in pity.

Tsk tsk tsk

He clicked  his tongue.

"Just look at you. Look at your life. Look at how miserable you have become. All you do is drink and drink all day. You have become a disgrace even to your children."

"What would you have me do?" She asked him, not even bothering to look at him. "When you've subjected me to a life even worse than death. You even got me roped into your evil deeds. You put that bus in my name. You have vowed to not rest until you completely destroy me."

"You should have thought of that when you decided to get thugs to monitor my every move." She slowly rose her head to meet his. "Did you think I wouldn't know? Did you think I didn't know you had me followed and have been trying to gather evidence that could bring me down for twenty three years now? You know me too well Racheal. I see everything. I know more than you think I do. You should have thought about that before you defied me, before you tried to betray me. Did you think I was going to go down alone?" He snorted. "Pathetic. Both you and your son."

Tsk tsk tsk.

He shook his head again and then turned to leave.

"What did I ever do to you!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, throwing her wine glass as hard as she could to the ground, causing it to shatter into bits. Randy stopped walking. He halted for a while.

Sommadinah didn't know where all that strength was coming from but she slowly managed to get on her feet, stepping on tiny pieces of the shattered glass. She glared at him now.

"After all these years, even after everything you've done to me, did to me, I stood by you. I loved you. I never for once tried to hurt you even though I had the means to. How can you constantly keep disrespecting me like this!" She yelled at him. "What have I ever done to you? What did I ever do to you? I gave you everything. I turned my back on everything for you. Rand oil, the company you care for so much, would have never existed if not because of me, if not because of the sacrifices I made. If you hate me so much, if the thought of you being with me disgusts and angers you so much then why did you get married to me? Why didn't you just let me go then? Why don't you just let me go now!"

"I never asked you to make those sacrifices!" Randy yelled back, turning quickly to face her. His eyes looked straight into hers. He was so angry, so furious, Sommadinah could see it even with how miserable and shattered her mind was.  "Everything you did in the past you did it for yourself." He told her. "Out of your own selfishness. I warned you. I told you I could never love you but you forced this on yourself, you forced this marriage. And so what if you built me an empire? I made you a queen, I give you everything you ever wanted and even more, I gave you everything you lost. I gave you that family you always wanted. What more do you want from me? Why do I have to pretend to love you? Why must I?" He glared at her. "Why must I because of you? Who are you to tell me what to do? No body can tell me what to do!"

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