ch 13

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"I mean just that I lost them the day my family was attacked I was cut by the attackers blade and it must have be covered in something and I didn't get my memories back till a few years ago. I still don't have them all back yet all I really remember is that night, and that I need to get my sister back. So please can you take me to her?"  She looked at me and nodded her head. "Follow me but you may want to stay back till I have time to explain all of this to the family they are going to be as doubtful as I was. Trust me our family are a bunch of hard headed people sense your mom and dad died. Ok?"

"Ya that's understandable. Lead the way Beth." She looked at me with a sad smile then started to walk. "What's with the face?" "It's nothing it's just that's what you used to call me that all the time,even after I told you it bugged me. It's funny the things you miss when people are gone isn't it?" "Yeah I know what you mean I miss my little brother he was such a geek but I love him." "Brother?" "Oh ya the foster family that I lived with they had a son just a bit younger then me. He is a great kid you guys should meet them they are really great people." "I don't think that will happen,but it's up to my dad so we'll see we should get going before it gets dark the rouges around these parts are horrible at night."

With that we shifted and ran for her how. An hopefully my little sister.

( Sorry I'm making this chapter so short but I have a lot of school work to make up but I'll try to make the next chapter longer. But good new is you get to meet her family in the next chapter along with a fight scence with some rouge wolves. I hope you are in joying my story if you think I should give her a love interest let me know, it could be a guy or girl it's up to you.)

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