"No, thanks..."

Joyce and I look at each other with concern.

You know, I don't think I've seen her eat anything since she's been back.

"Have you even eaten anything since?"

The look she gives me makes me trail off uneasily.

"I'm fine okay? Stop worrying."

Stop worrying? I don't think that'll happen.

"Okay, sure..."

I can't keep letting her shut me up like this. It's not gonna get us anywhere.

"So... what are you girls up to today?"

Right, up to... people do things during the day, they have lives.

Buffy just stares at her orange juice some more.

"Oh, well... Buffy if you want we could, um... Spike told the gang he got wind of a vamp nest downtown. I was thinking maybe we could... make a house call or something."

"Sure, whatever..."

"Good, good, we can go after breakfast."

"But, it's the middle of the day?"

"Good for us, bad for them."

I look over at Buffy who rolls her eyes at me.

Aw come on, it's a classic joke.

"Oh I get it, sunlight is bad for a vampire's complexion."

"Yup, makes for easy slayage."

And Buffy and I can get back to what we do best. Well, one of the things we do best anyway.

I check my lack of pockets.

"Hey B? I left my weapons upstairs, and if you're gonna..."

She gets up and heads to the stairs.

"I'll get them, maybe a few for myself even."

"Thanks B."

She didn't even look at me when she went up.

I cut myself a piece of comfort pancake and chew on it.

"So how are things between you two?"

Between us?

"I honestly don't know."

I cut another piece and just stare at it for a few moments before setting my fork down.

"I... I tired to talk to her like you said. I tried to, you know, let her talk on her own terms and all that but... she was all dodgy and stuff. I even tried..."

I look at Joyce.

What I tried last night, probably not something I should talk to B's mom about.

"I tried to connect with her but... she shot me down. I just don't know what I did wrong. I get that she's going through something. I just... I want to know how I can help and she won't let me in. It's bugging the crap out of me."

"I know Faith but..."

"I have to give her time. Time to let her come to me to talk about what's wrong. I just can't stand letting things go with her. I love her so much."

She turns to me and smiles compassionately.

"And that's why you need to let her come to you. She loves you too and sooner or later she's gonna realize that she needs you to help her though it."

I let out a deep breath and pick up my fork again.

"I just hope it's sooner rather than later. I hate waiting."

Buffy walks in, weapons in hand, and I start eating again.

"Got the pointy woodens, let's book."

Uh, okay.

"No, wait. You're not going anywhere until you eat some breakfast."

"It's fine Mom, I can do without."

Joyce walks over and leads Buffy to sit beside me. She puts a plate down in front of Buffy.

"You need to eat something. I won't have you go out slaying on an empty stomach, now eat."

Buffy is about to protest but stops and starts eating.

Hmm, the direct approach seems to work for Joyce. Maybe I should try that later if the whole slayfest thing doesn't work out.

 Maybe I should try that later if the whole slayfest thing doesn't work out

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She Who Was My Love (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now