Chapter 26

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"What the actual fuck?" Stephanie questioned still in shock at what just happened.

Both of them liked her, well Zayn loved her. But maybe he wouldn't if he knew the truth, would he still feel the same way? And would Niall's feelings for Stephanie stay so strong as time went on? They had some time before they would see the boys again, they had finished up in the US for now, they were going to have a much needed break then do some shows in the UK.

This would give Stephanie time to think about her relationships with both of the boys, but she needed to tell Zayn what happened and if they did split up would he be okay that she was with one of his best friends? The same for Niall, he has some feelings for her and would it hurt him to see Zayn with her? It was all to much for her to even process right now.

*2 Months Later*

Over the past two months a lot has changed.

Devan and Stephanie are still dating Harry and Zayn, but so much has changed for the girls. More and more people know who they are which is weird for them. Going out and being instantly recognized as 2/5 of One Direction's girlfriends. Their twitters has blown up with follows and non stop tweets from fans. Some of them were nice, and some were just plain cruel but they learned to deal with it. School was different to, everyone wanted to get an in with One Direction, and if the girls couldn't help they had rumors spread about them. Not that there wasn't plenty already, people saying the girls are using them, people saying the boys are using them, some saying that they only slept with the boys. But most importantly they remembered that the people sending the tweets or spreading the rumors were the most insecure, they knew that those were the people who were jealous of them. But no matter what the boys still loved them and they loved the boys.

Louis and Eleanor were still going strong and got to spend some time together while the boys were bck in the UK. He also got to see his family inclduding all of his sisters. He made to some games with his football team and got to hang out with his old friends Devan, Stephanie, and Eleanor kept in touch and hoped they would be able to see each other soon. It was also nice to have someone who has already dealt with the long distance relationship like Eleanor has for so long.

Zayn loved being home in the UK he got to see his sisters, they had changed so much since he last saw them. They got older and it showed,  he couldn't believe how fast they were growing up. He also hated being away from Stephanie. He loved her and she loved him. He talked her whenever he could which sometimes wasn't to often. They made it work though and can't wait to see each other agian.

Liam and Danielle split up, nobody knows the actual reason except for the boys, Devan, and Stephanie. All of the articles said things like the fans split them up some accused Danielle of using Liam to benifit her career, and any of the other stories you couldnn't really believe because the only sources they had were listed as "a source" or "an insider."

Niall was doing a lot better then he was. He spent his time off in Ireland only returning to his home in London a few days before the boys would leave for tour. He wanted to spend time with his family, and friends that he rarely got to see anymore. If this experience has taught him anything it's how important your friends and family are, you could losse them all in an instant. He was gratefull for everything the boys have done and continued to do for him. Niall isn't completely over the death and he probably never will be, it was his bestfriend. He did however finally get that barcode tattoo he had always wanted on his wrist the numbers represented the day Sean was born and the day he died. He learned to deal with the death slowly, he gets upset from it sometimes but he knows who his true friends are, and he knows it's okay not to be okay. He will never forget Sean and all the times they had together, to Niall they will still be bestfriends no matter what, just like they promised before he went on tour.

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