Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Please make sure you read the "Sara" thing posted before this so you will understand what's going on! :) thanks! -Devan


"This is Sara!" Zayn finished not having noticed the girls.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Stephanie yelled Devan and her both walking towards Sara.

"Uhhh what's going on! Do you know each other?" Zayn said the smile fading from his face.

"You didn't tell me this is who we were meeting!" Sara yelled ripping her hand from Zayn's to walk towards the girls. 

They were getting closer and closer before Zayn stepped in.

"Guys!" He shouted to get there attention using his arms to back them apart. "What's going on?"  

He looked at Devan and Stephanie first.

"Ask her!" Devan shouted back.

The girls backed up a bit,

"Don't you remeber her! She was our bitchy waitress that night we went out  to eat!" Stephanie shouted reminding all of the boys.

"That was you?" Niall asked looking at Sara raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah" She replied 

"How did this even happen?!" Devan shouted.

"We met her the same way we met you guys! She met us at a concert" Zayn yelled back defending his girlfriend.

"But she's such a bitch!" Stephanie yelled back still pissed off and confused about what was happening.

" Well I'm not staying here with that bitch!" Devan yelled

"Me either! Let's go!" Stephanie said and turned towards Devan

"Guys wait! I stil don't get what the big deal is!" Zayn shouted not sure of what was happening.

"Who cares let them go! By the way Devan you're still a bitch!" Sara yelled as the girls were walking away.

They both turned around and began to walk back to where Sara and the boys were.

"And Stephanie you're looking horrible, as always!" She said giving a smiling and tilting her head to the side.

"Excuse me!" Stephanie yelled

But before she could say anything else, Niall jumped up. 

"Woah! I think you need to stop right now!" Niall yelled over to Sara.

"What is your problem?" He asked her walking over to Devan and Stephanie.

"It's fine we're leaving" Devan told Niall

"Then I'm coming with you let's go." He replied walking ahead of them.

The three of them made it too Stephanie's car, and the girls explained everthing to him. All the stuf that has happened in the past and why they don't get along. (Read part posted before this chapter)

He agreed with them that she was a bitch, at first she didn't seem bad but after that episode he was not a fan, and he knew the other boys eventually weren't going to be either.

"Do you want to explain that?" Harry asked Zayn and Sara

"Yeah, those girls are bitches and I don't like either of them. I don't know why you guys even talk to them." She finished moving over closer to Zayn.

"Well I like them" Louis spat back at her  "Infact they have become some of our closest friends, did Zayn tell you about the night him and Stephanie had to share a bed?"

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