Chapter 18

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* Harry's POV*

"What?"  My smile faded and my stomach dropped, I thought everything was going so well.

"They were so obnoxious, and all over you guys!" She said to me, I was still in shock.

Everything had gone so well, I don't know what happened. The girls introduced themselves, they agreeded on the movie, joked around and hugged goodbye. What could have possibly gone wrong?

"I thought everything was going great!" I said back "What happened?"

"I just don't like them, okay just drop it!" god she sounded like Kailey.

*Stephanie's POV*

"And we're here!" I said lowering the music as I pulled up in front of Devan's house.

"Thanks Steph! You're picking me up tomorrow right!" She asked me through the rolled down window.

"Yeah!" Like I would really let Adam pick her up. "Don't be late!" I yelled as I began to pull away.

*Devan's POV*

"Hey guys!" I said to Will and Jacob as I was taking my shoes off by the door.

"What's up?" Jacob asked.

"Nothing, just tired" Okay that was a lie, I hadn't told either of my brothers about my break up, they both loved Adam, and now he was all I could think about after Emily brought up relationships. Now I was going to have to see him in school tomorrow.

I plopped down in the chair and started watching tv with the boys, about ten minutes later Jacob's phone began to ring so he left the room to answer it. It was probably one of his friends asking if he wanted to hang out or something.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Will asked  lowering the volume on the tv a little.

"What are you talking about?" I asked looking over at him.

"Don't do that" Before I could defend myself he started talking again  "and don't say nothing, I've known you your whole life Dev, just tell me."

"Okay, I'll tell you." I said quietly "Me and Adam broke up" 

"Aw Dev what happened?" 

"Remember those guys from One Direction I introduced you?" He nodded his head yes "Well Adam said that I cared about them more than him, and all this stuff"  He could tell I was getting upset, but I just kept talking. "So I said if he couldn't trust me than I wasn't going to stay with him, and it pretty much just went downhill."

"But you guys have been best friends since you were little" 

"Well if he can't trust me then he's obviously not my friend."

"Look I think he was just a jealous that you have been spending so much time with your new friends, he just doesn't want to be left behind."

"God if you were going to take his side in all this then I wouldn't have told you!" I stood up and started to walk away.

"Dev wait! Where are you going!" he yelled from the couch, lucky for me he still had his cast on so he coudln't follow me upstairs. I just ignored him and went into my room, I needed to sleep anyway.

-The Next Morning-

I walked downstairs, actually on time because I didn't want to hear it from Steph, and suprisingly Will was up and sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey" I said to him as I walked into the room, one thing that I was never good at was holding a grudge. I forgave people for everything, which is good and bad.

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