Sara - please read so you get her character!

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Hey guys it's Devan! 

So basically @nosockstommo is Stephanie and we really are bestfriends in real life! So we have the Sara Geller in the story as like a bitchy girl , but she is actually based off of someone me and Steph actually go to school with. That's not her real name but we wanted to explain what really happened with her. So in the start of freshman year me, steph, and "Sara" were all bestfriends, but then towards the end of the year we really didn't get along that well. She ws really nasty and talked about everybody in our school, she pretty much thought and still thinks that she's better then everyone else. 

So I stopped hanging out with Stephanie and "Sara" because I couldn't deal with her anymore. She would always give me dirty looks so i started returning the favor. She always used people and I couldn't take it so I told her she was a bitch, and didn't talk to her or Stephanie anymore.

Then in the start of sophmore year me and Stephanie had a class together, but we still weren't talking because she was friends with "Sara" but then she started saying how bossy and nasty Sara was, and she stopped being friends with her. So "Sara" kept being nasty to Stephanie so eventually Stephanie told her how people use her, and that most of the people saying they were her friends weren't and how those people were talking behind her back like she did to them . She told her how she didn't like being bossed around, and telling her what to do all the time.

Me and Stephanie started to become friends again, and then "Sara" started talking shit again. So i pretty much told her that I liked the fact that she talked about me, because I know she has nothing better to do then think about me all day.

So as you can probably tell she isn't exactly our favorite person, and she hasn't changed at all. Her and all of her "friends" all talk bad about each other. Neither me or Steph have talked to her since or have had any problems with her. Me and Stephanie are best friends now and closer then we were freshman year. 

So we are using that as the back story for the character Sara Geller, so when we don't get along now you know why! :)  Also if you didn't realize yet Zayn is dating Sara right now in the story.

Well I think that's it! Posting Chapter 11 later! :) - Devan

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