Chapter 23

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Devan questioned as she opened the door fully.

"What are you doing-" She was cut off by Harry kissing her. One small kiss right on the lips.

"I'm sorry I just don't know how else to say it. " He told her before she had a change to respond to what just happened.

" I really like you Devan."

"What?" She question.

"I've like you ever since that night we first met at the concert. You were different and since then I have just liked you more an more-" His rant was cut off by Devan exactly the same way he cut her off just moments ago. She kissed him, again just one kiss.

"Shut up!" She said laughing, kissing him again. " I like you too." She told him pushing a stay piece of hair behind her ear.

Harry smiled showing off his gorgeous dimples that could make any girl week at the knees.

"Why don't you come in." She offered moving over slightly.

He took a step forward and grabbed her hand just like she had at the restaurant.

"Will is it okay if Harry stays? Just for a little while? Please?" She said flashing her brother a smile like little kids do to there parents when they really want something.

"Fine. But only if he helps you." He told he seriously.

"You're the best." She replied pulling Harry into the kitchen where the dishes she was putting away were still out.

"I can't believe you're here!" She said grabbing a stack of dishes. She was on her tippy toes but still couldn't reach the shelf.

"Here let me help you." He giggled as he took the dishes out if her hands and easily slid them onto the top shelf.


"No problem." She could tell he was still a little nervous.


"Yeah?" He asked her smiling as he put more items on the higher shelves.

"Thanks." She said as she wrapped her arms around him. He wasn't fully sure what she was thanking him for but he really didn't care. He hugged her back instantly as she smiled into his chest.


She looked up at him, with her arms still wrapped around him.

"What does this mean for us, like are we together?" Harry awkwardly questioned.

*Stephanie's POV*

"Can I take your order?" Where the hell did that come from, I completely zoned out.

Zayn grabbed my hand under the table, I took a deep breath and relaxed a little as I felt the warmth of his hand on mine.

He could always tell when I was nervous and for that I was thankful, I let out a deep bretgath before placing my order.

Zayn went to whisper something to me but I cut him off before he could.

"So what's new?" I asked in a desprate plea to change the topic.

"Well we have a concert this friday." Liam told me sweetly as he always is.

"Yeah you should come!" Niall added in his amazing Irish accent, his smile even brighter now that he recently got his braces off.

"Yeah Devan too!" Louis added as he took another sip of his drink.

"I'm sure Harry will invite her." Zayn half whispered.

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