Chapter 7

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Hello everybody! :) Massive thank you to Aramella for leaving the first comments! :) Please leave your comments and tell me what you think! :) Fan me and I will fan back! :)  Also please please please follow @1DProm2013 on twitter!

Well here we go! :) -


"I guess" Harry exhaled sharply, not holding back his emotions at all.

He looked right at Devan, but she stood stll she wasn't nervous, she just didn't know what to say.

"So..uh..what happend?" She asked approching the bed where harry was sitting.

"Why do you care?" He said looking over to Devan, he was playing with his thumbs replaying the memory over and over in his mind.

"Look I'm just trying to help, I feel like this was my fault" Devan said looking down at the ground.

"You're- what are you talking about?" He asked looking directly at her, the anger had left his voice now just confusuion.

"Well I started all this,the fight with Kailey and you two spliting up"

Harry winced at the sound of her name.

"Really it's not your fault" He said grabbing her hand "It just sucks to yanno, be alone she could make me happy but I couldn't deal with everything else anymore"

"I know" She said squezzing his hand back.

"I know what will cheer you up"  She said getting off the bed "Where's your computer?"

"Over there why?" 

By the time he was done questioning her she was back on the bed with the laptop open. Opening to tumblr and typing in stephanies username and password.

" What are you-" 

He was cut off by Devan.

"Just wait" she said giggling to herself.

Next thing you new a "VAS HAPPENIN?" banner came across the top of the page.

"Okay it's some fans blog, we see these all the time." He looked at her confused.

"Not just any's Steph's!" Devan said laughing.

"Oh god" Harry said laughing as he saw all of her posts coming up on the screen.

They continued to scroll down the screen laughing at all the post she had.

Everyone else could here them laughing.

"Wonder what's going on in there" Louis said thrusting into the air.

"Oh my god, no Louis just no" Stephanie said laughing at him.

"You have to promise me you won't tell her or the boys I showed you that!" Devan said not wanting to embarrass Stephanie any more then she just did.

"Promise" Harry said still laughing at what had just happened.

"Well I guess we should go back to the others" Devan said climbing off the bed, laying the laptop on the night stand.

"Yeah,  i'll be right there" He said walking to his pile of bags, looking for something.

"Okay" Devan said walking to the door

"Hey Dev" 

"Yeah?" she asked looking back with her hand on the door knob

"Thanks" He said smiling at her

"No problem" she said, she opened the door and walked to where the rest of the boys and Stephanie were.

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