Chapter 6

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*Harry's POV*

Why would Devan do that? I thought she was my friend, I need to go find Kailey. I thought to myself as I walked past my "friends" putting my shoes on to find my girlfriend. 

She couldn't have gotten far, she was wearing heels how fast could she possibly be?

I ran down the stairs not having the paitence to wait for an elevator.

"Kailey!" I shouted as I ran out the door. But she wasn't there, I couldn't see her anywhere.

"She's not there!" I shouted as I walked in to let them know I was angry.

"Thanks Devan!" I yelled making sure she knew I was mad at her, not all of them.

I slammed my bedroom door shut and went to lay on the bed. Digging my face into the pillow,my feet we hanging off the bed and i punched the matress why would she do that?! I thought as i flipped over onto my back.

I can hear them all talking not that I can understand what they're saying.

-knock knock-

Liam came through the door shutting it behind him as he walked towards the bed where I was now sitting.

"Hey, Harry you alright mate?"

yeah fucking great "Yeah, I'm fine"

Shit, Liam always knows when I'm lying.

"You still suck at lying, you know that right." Liam said chuckling

"Yeah, I guess but why would Devan say those things?"

"Because your girlfriend is rude Harry!"

"You guys never had problems with her before!"

"Yes we did, we just didn't want to make you feel bad!"

Shit, now I'm being an asshole.

"Well you should have said something!"

"None of us wanted to deal with her, or quite frankly you. Do you see how you reacted you immediatly took Kailey's side when Kailey was the one who was rude first."

"No she wasn't Devan was!"

"The first thing she said when the girls got here was about how horrible they were! Did you expect them to get along."

I started thinking back to when Stephanie and Devan first arrived, okay maybe she was rude.

"But Devan didn't need to react that that!" I said still defending my girlfriend, I could see by the look on Liam's face he was shocked this was still going on.

"She was calm until Kailey made a comment to Steph, Devan was just defending her friend." He finished I could tell he was getting angry.

"Devan was the one who made Kailey leave" I have to defend my girlfriend, i mean she is my girlfriend I  can't let Liam just keep talking bad about her.

"Nobody made Kailey leave, and if you didn't want it to be a big deal you could have jumped in, or here's an idea stuck up for your girlfriend!" Liam got up and was walking towards the door, luckily the others had a movie on loud enough so they couldn't hear us.

"Liam! Wait!" I pleated

"What?!" He said turing around, you could tell by the look on his face he was pissed.

"I'm sorry you're right..I just- I don't know what to do!"

Thank god, Liam was walking back towards the bed where I was still sitting.

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