A Promise to the Dead (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

He turned around and started to walk away. "Use a condum!" I shouted. I heard him laugh. I went to the boys locker room and waited for Stiles. We have a game in the morning, so I decided to just stay with Stiles. We headed to his house with Malia.

When we got there Malia laid on the bed, I was going through his books that were on his shelf, and Stiles was on the computer.

Sheriff walked in. "Drop what you're doing, I'm taking you three to dinner. What ever you want." He said.

"Dad, I don't think a man in dept should be treating anyone to anything." Stiles reminded.

"Well, there is one dept we no longer have to worry about." Sheriff said pulling a paper out of his back pocket.

"What is that?" Stiles asked grabbing the paper and opening it.

"A letter of apology from Eichen House, apparently they've decided to forget our dept due to uh, well, you and Lydia almost getting murdered." Sheriff said.

"Wait, they can do that?" Malia asked.

"They can do it and they did it." Sheriff explained.

"I've never been so happy to have almost been murdered." Stiles said putting the letter down in his desk.

"We'll, we're not out of it yet. But we're going to be ok. And at least for the moment, I can afford to take my son, his friend, and his girlfriend out to dinner." We got up.

"Malia, what's your favorite food?" Sheriff asked.

"Deer." She said. "Pizza. She likes pizza." Stiles said. She smiled. We got up and went out for pizza.


I walked into the locker room, already changed, with Stiles and Liam.

"Everything's fine. I got a text from him this morning. He said he might be a little late." Stiles said.

"How late is late? Is he always late?" Liam asked. "We're playing Devenford Prep again. And this time, tonight, it's an actual game. H-He-He shouldn't be late." Liam said. Coach over heard us talking.

"Who shouldn't be late?" Coach asked. Uh, oh.

"Scott and Kira." Liam said.

"They might be slightly late." Stiles said.

"Slightly late. Is still late." Coach said. "What are they doing?" Coach asked. Oh, god. I'm not explaining this.

"They're doing something that's going to make them slightly late." Stiles explained.

"What could Scott and Kira be doing, right now, that's more important than playing the first game?" Coach asked. Is he seriously asking this?

"Oh, coach." Stiles said.

The game was about to begin. I sat next to Liam and got my gloves and helmet out of my bag. "Still not here." Liam said.

"Ok. What's really going on? Are you nervous about the full moon? It's not for another 24 hours." Liam looked at the moon.

"Liam. You're going to be fine." I reassured. He looked at me and smiled. "Just try not to rage out on anyone." Stiles said.

"You're not worried?" Liam asked.

"Ok. I'm mildly concerned. Mildly." Stiles said taking his gloves off and texting Scott.

"We're going to lose without him." Liam said.

"No we're not. We will be just as good without Scott. Ok. I've been practicing. Let me tell you something I'm getting good. Really good." Stiles said. I turned to Stiles.

"Keep telling yourself that Stiles." I said. He gave me a death glare. I sent him one right back.

When the game started, Stiles got knocked down, got hit in the head with the ball and fell down, and got run over by 2 big guys. Me and Liam kneeled down.

"Yeah, I'm gonna call Scott again." He said. We nodded and helped him up.

They were already ahead of us. Stiles had to leave to find Scott.

We got the ball until it was knocked out of the stick and the other team got it. I ran after the ball but a big guy rammed into me and knocked me down. I felt a sharp pain in my side, but ignored it and looked to see who it was. It was Brett. He helped me up. "You ok?" I nodded.

The guy with the ball was heading to Liam. "You got this." I whispered.

"Liam! For the love of god, move!"

They ran right past him. He did nothing. They scored. They got the ball again. But Liam stole it. He ran until Brett slammed into him.

The game was finally over. Unfortunately we lost. I sat next to Liam. Brett walked over to us. "You ok?" He asked.

"We lost." Liam said.

"But your ok. Right?" Brett asked.

"Go piss off." I said. He ignored me.

"Why'd you do that? Why'd you help me?" Liam asked.

"Because of Scott. He saved me. He saved all of us. Do you know how lucky you are?" Brett asked.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"Scott's a true alpha. That means he didn't get his powers because he was born with it. He didn't get by stealing it or by killing someone. He earned it. You're not strong because you can lift a lot of weight, you're strong because you indure, Satomi calls it strength of character. You're lucky to have him." Brett walked away.

"Then why isn't he here?" Liam asked. I rubbed his arm. "Hey, if Scott's not here, it's for a reason." I said.

I went to Scott's house but he wasn't there. I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. I shut the door and ran a bath. I went to take off my shirt but I felt a sudden pain in my side. The same side that was hurting when Brett rammed into me. I lifted up my shirt and saw 3 huge claw marks. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself. It must have happened when Brett ran into me.

Word Count: 1512

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