C H A P T E R 31

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Lies. Lies. Pies. Fuck, thinking about food right now was not on my agenda but with the lack of food I was receiving, I couldn't help think about it right now. At least I wasn't on munchies duty, that was the good thing about being in this place, even though I would often have the jitters racing through my blood, rising to my skin and often making me clench my fists when I would see the asshole smirk. He thought of me breaking down sooner or later, he thought he knew.

I winced when I sat up on the mattress that had become my bed. Rolling my neck, I groaned when I felt and heard the cracks echo through the silent room. It was a so called luxury that I had, having this room to myself but as the small smirk rose to my face, I knew that I would be in the biggest shit. There was a way if getting out of this shithole, but it was a huge gamble that would possibly getting me killed but that was...fuck, it wasn't alright.

Again, I groaned and lay back down on the bed out of exhaustion. There was no going to school for me any more and I guess it really fitted my bad boy persona because what kind of bad boy didn't disappear for a while and then come back? This hunger was slowly starting to mess with my mind and I was going to insane if I didn't figure out how to stop being a bitch.

Pushing myself again, I manage to stand up and walk to my door, although I did waver a bit before holding onto the wall to stop myself from falling. I groaned once again before opening the bedroom door and making my way to the bathroom; can't be a superhero without pissing first, maybe a little freshening up too.

My head throbbed the whole way through as did my chest. I knew I was going to need to have someone take a look at that later, but I had other plans for now. I took my tongue piercing between my teeth before walking out the bathroom, leaning against the wall and looking left and right and that's when I noticed something.

It was eerily silent.

My eyebrows furrowed as I painfully stopped breathing to listen to at least the sounds of crickets. Nothing was heard; nothing. I took a couple steps forward, towards the stairs, wincing as I turned my body to see if there was anybody downstairs before leaning against the wall again and breathing out.

I swore a couple times, the pain getting unbearable before I started walking down the stairs, limping as I did. Then I stopped suddenly when I heard voices coming from downstairs, familiar voices that made my heart lurch and my body move forward, pushing the adrenaline to the surface until I reached the last step and limped to the front room.

"Shit." I whispered when I saw cops, Josey and Drew...all in one room. All their head whipped around to face me and Josey's eyes had tears before she shot up from her seat and ran towards me with open arms. She wrapped her arms around me and I did the same, hugging her until I could feel the pain returning to my body. "Josey, move...stop!" I breathed out.

She instantly moved away, but not too far because I took her by the arms. Was she real? Was I drugged up and hallucinating again? My heart pedaled faster, banging against my chest, making me sweat and see black dots across my vision. Josey's smile had turned into a worried look, reaching out to get me but I was already falling onto the floor...knocked out.


Enna's P.O.V

"Enna Lawrence, please report to the principal's office immediately." All eyes turned to face me and I cowered down in my seat while my hands automatically reached out to pack all my things away. My heart drummed in my chest, wondering if I was being called for the finding of my sister, or if I I was just being told I was getting worse in my studies.

I let my air fall as a curtain on the side of my face as I got up from my seat and lifted my jacket off from behind it and walked out the classroom, stealing a glance from my friend who had ditched me long ago to sit with her boyfriend. It was okay though, I had to tell myself that even though deep down, I was angry because someone else had left me.

Sighing, I took my time to get to the principal's office, feeling my hopes weighing me down because there wasn't going to be a chance where she would be saying that my sister was found and my parents were coming back to love us. It was that kind of light inside you that glimmered with hope before burning out and leaving the smoke where the difference between dreams and reality lies.

Pushing through the door, I walked towards the principal's office, smiling at the teachers that walked passed me and the receptionist that waved at me. I walked passed the certificate that held my name on it before knocking on the door to the woman's office, whom shared some encounters with Joey.

My heart clenched for him. I hadn't been anywhere near his family or anywhere really, but he would haunt my dreams. His pain would practically bottle through me, hitting me each time he had gotten hit and the last time I saw him, I knew he supported a couple bruises on him. He wasn't someone to back down or give up though, he was fighting through it...but for what result?

He was breaking himself over and over again because of past memories that would continuously haunt him and he could have told his sister, his saviour, but he couldn't. I knew he couldn't confine in someone that had protected him through everything. I closed my eyes and thought of his broken features.

My heart thud against my chest in a faster pace, I tried blocking it out. There was no way that I should be able to feel like this for someone like him, there was always room to ignore something like this. Or there would be trouble, wouldn't there be? I swallowed the lump forming in my throat when I thought of all that was lost, everything that I touched.

"Come in." I snapped out of my thoughts and faced the door, turning the knob and stepping inside where I felt myself slowly getting trapped. Her office had always been something that left an unappealing taste in my mouth, but I still managed to leave a blank face on as I listening to her, for whatever reason she had called me to her office for.

And that's where the real Enna Lawrence fell deep into the pits of hell, where the chains that trapped her...was close to freeing her.


Joey's P.O.V

Was that my tongue? I tried moving it inside my mouth, but I couldn't feel. I knew it was there, but if I couldn't feel it...what did that mean? There was faint light that I could see but nothing was clear for me. My stomach churned at the thought of losing my sight, but that couldn't be what was blocking my vision.

Sounds of beeping and murmurs were around me and it instantly smelt very familiar where I was, but I just didn't want to open my eyes and face the reality of it all. Nonetheless, I managed to peel my eyelids open and groan at the sight of doctors and nurses, none of which were hot or to my taste.

Slowly, everything had flooded back to me and then it brought a burst of feeling in my head, a feeling of pain while in my chest, my heart began to pace at an irregular beat, the sounds coming off the machine next to me. The whirlwind of noises brought the attention of the doctors and nurses that were in my room, panicked. Yeah, I don't blame you?

"Joseph, you need to calm down." For once in a long time, I had managed to let that slip pass while the doctor had tried to push me down onto the bed and let me just calm down but that was far from what my body wanted. It pushed me to the edges of panicking, of hurting, reliving what I had to go through these past couple days.

I struggled to get enough oxygen into my lungs and slowly, everything started to feel constricted against my skin. The IV in my arm, the tubes, the wires, the wristband, I didn't want any of this! I wanted to get out of this, I wanted to get out of here! The machine started to beep more frantically as more of the nurses in the room moved around, trying to calm me down.

My movements and behaviour was feeling like it wasn't me any more and shouts tore from my mouth, increasing the pain and heat in my body. I wanted it to be over, I wanted all of this to just go away, I wanted to get better, I want to make her happy again...please. The hot liquid ran down my face the louder I scream.

"Relax, Joey." I was being told again, my body feeling lighter. My confusion began as I watched the doctor push me down onto the bed, my eyes feeling heavier again, but I didn't want to go to sleep...I wanted to be normal again...I wanted my life to go back to the way it was.

I wanted her to be proud of me. I wanted Josette to look and me and want to have a smile on her face because she was happy that I hadn't fucked up...I wanted Enna to look at me and think, think that I wasn't totally screwed up. I wanted the pain to go so that I could stop being a fuck up and falling into that trap.

I vowed to be a better person...I vowed to...I vowed to not be him.

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