C H A P T E R 28

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I eyed the note that was sitting on my bed. It was another letter from my so called father and it had pissed me off enough that I blew off the guys and came home. Everyone was doing something since it was sunny, but I wasn't feeling in the mood to be happy about anything. I already faced enough from school and now this asshole?

I sighed and fell back on the bed with my arm across my face. Flashes of the principal and I went through my mind, making my stomach churn at the thought of her hand on my dick. If this had been before the Spring Break, then I would have fucked her no doubt about that but now, it was like a repelling feeling.

It was because of Enna, no doubt about that but there was nothing I could do. It was as if some switch was flipped and the end result had been that no girls, including Melanie had sufficed for me. Hell, I hadn't even seen Melanie in so long that I even forgot that I had some deals with her that I needed to clear up.

I took my arm away from my face and peered down at my dick, groaning when I saw that there was no stirring when I thought of Melanie. Putting my head back onto the pillow, I realised that I was itching for a much needed smoke but I couldn't do that to myself. I had been suffering from withdrawals for a little bit. It honestly felt like shit.

It tore every part of me apart and I had to suffer quietly, in risk of Josey finding out. I took every hit to my body because I deserved it, I deserved to feel the pain I was getting because it meant that I wouldn't put that shit into me again. I wouldn't become my father, I wouldn't fulfill his dreams of me turning into him, because he knew I got to the point where I was halfway there.

Thinking about withdrawals was making my chest constrict, flashes of whiteness shot behind my closed eyelids and I groaned out. I succumbed myself to the hell biting pain, but I knew that if I didn't go to some professional then I would injure myself. Then the one girl who I thought could solve my problems came into my mind.

Her innocent eyes locking into mine, the blush that rose onto her cheeks whenever I was near, her hair that would fall around her in curtains. She was a nerd, sure, but that meant she was smart and it was beyond true. Enna was the sole reason why I was doing great at school, why I was pushing myself to be better in more subjects than maths.

Yet there was still this void in my chest, like there was more to accomplish than a couple tutor lessons from her. I refused to listen to what the voice at the back of my mind was biting at me, it wasn't true. I may have been going through some other kind of withdrawal; yeah, that could be it. I needed sex, but that was slightly impossible since I had no attraction to anyone else.

"Joey?" I hummed in response to hearing Chelsie. I craned my head and looked towards my little niece who looked like she wanted to tell me something, but she was nervous. "You going to just stand there like you're waiting for some person to enter you into the competition for who can eat more?" I grinned at her when she glared at me.

I rolled my eyes and then sat up, swinging my legs off the bed and walked towards the girl who was under half my size. She looked up at me and I rolled my eyes again, dramatically before crouching down so that I was closer to her height. "What do you want, fatso? I got places to go, people to meet." I said, with an Al Pacino accent, making her smile a little.

"Enna called Josey and said she can't tutor you any more." My eyebrows drew together as a look of confusion. Why would she do that? I mean I knew she doesn't really tutor me any more, but we still had our tutor shit sometimes. Realisation hit me, she must have thought that the principal and I did something in the office, probably why she walked away from me this afternoon.

I pulled Chelsie closer to me and kissed her forehead. "Thanks for the message, fatso. Never talk to boys, you understand me?" I told her as I walked out of my room, making my way to the stairs and tripping over some of Skye's toys. "You don't ever look at a boy, or me and your dad are going out to teach them what it's like to be a baseball ball."

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