C H A P T E R 13

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"Joey." Chelsie said my name and then poked my cheek, but ignored her and continued to draw a funny cartoon, which was supposed to resemble Drew but with all the smoke and bruises that I gave him in the drawing, it was kind of hard to tell that it was him. "Joey!" Chelsie screamed and then climbed on the table when I continued to ignore her.

See, since I had forgotten about practice today, coach had called Drew because Drew was in charge of getting notified about my sports stuff. I had literally stepped into the house and he was at home today, just my luck by the way, and he yelled at me and told me that I am a reckless who needed more than just help.

I was left alone in the house, Kian and Ava had gone with Drew to find some kind of job for the time that they were going to be here, which really did suck. I would have liked the help from my two oldest friends, but Drew had planned for his siblings to not turn out like me. He didn't need to say the words, I just knew it.

Chelsie didn't do anything to me, but since I was annoyed at Drew everything pretty much followed through with it. I even had to mention the fact that Josette and Drew left me here with the kids and they didn't leave any food prepared, which was something to complain about because when was I going to cook?

It's not that I couldn't cook, but with the nerd coming at seven and it being almost half six, I didn't have much time because I was lazy and angry. To make things that much more harder, Skye wasn't hungry and Josette had told me that Chelsie had a cold so I couldn't feed her ice. That was difficult because Chelsie decided to go up on a chair and try get to the freezer until I caught her.

"Chelsie, get down from the table or you're going to fall." I told her, without looking up. Since when do nine year old's listen to their teenage uncles? Never. Chelsie decided to start throwing pencils at me and then sat down, but her foot slipped and she almost fell off the table until I caught her. "Why don't you listen to me for once?! Go do homework." I told her sternly.

She sulked and walked to go upstairs to go and get her homework. I looked towards Skye who was asleep in her cot that was downstairs. A couple minutes of me drawing led to me wondering where Chelsie was since she hadn't gotten downstairs, but I wasn't bothered to call her down so I just left it and got up from the table.

I walked over to the kitchen and got some food before going back into the main room and putting food on the table, just in case Enna wanted some as Josette said. Noticing that my phone was vibrating in my pocket, I took it out and saw that someone had texted me but I didn't know who the number had belonged to.

"How are you doing, buddy? Did you miss me?"

I scoffed to myself and shook my head, deleting the message that was obviously sent to me by mistake. My eyes flickered to the time and I looked towards the stairs; debating on whether or not I should call Chelsie, I walked tot he stairs and then bellowed her name. When I didn't hear her making any steps to coming downstairs, I hung my head down.

"Never having children, I swear." I told myself as I shook my head. I didn't think I would be able to anyway considering that I smoked a lot of weed, which did have it's bad effects. Turning around, I heard the door start knocking and winced when I heard Skye start crying but I still went to answer the door, knowing that it was Enna.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, probably hearing the sounds of a baby crying. "Yeah, just my youngest neice. Nothing to worry about, Sugar." I turned around and winked at her, making her roll her eyes at me before she went to close the front door. Walking over to Skye, I picked her up and placed her onto my chest as I rubbed her back.

Enna had walked into the front room and saw me holding Skye and I could see that her breath caught. A slow smirk appeared on my face before I walked to her and clicked my fingers in her face, making her snap out of it. "Whatever thoughts you're having about me and you and our future kids, stop."

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