C H A P T E R 5

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Art. It was the last lesson for today and it was the best lesson I could fucking have considering that after school, I was going to have to meet the nerd in order to have some kind of discussion on when and where we're going to have the useless tutoring sessions. Of course I was looking forward to spending a little time with the nerd, but I couldn't be fucked right now.

The guys and I had sat around the table at lunch, face timing with Eli who looked pissed off, as per usual. His mom had managed to sprain his hand and that's when he decided to sit fat away from her; the nurses at lunch had said that she was fully dilated and that he had to go. After that, we hadn't heard much from him until it was before last period.

It's a girl. Zara. That was the message he had sent, bringing a round of celebration from the guys and I, which made me a couple minutes late for class but at least we would have our thoughts settled for now. We hadn't heard from his dad, so that was one good thing, but ti was a completely different story.

After having a lesson with Millie, she had reminded me that I forgot about our little meeting up time yesterday. Thankfully, to make up for lost time yesterday, we had our fuckfest in an empty classroom and if I was to say that it didn't relieve me from a lot of angry and stress, then I would be lying.

The girl got her way around the school, but that was because her pussy was as good as a virgin's and her blowjobs were one of the best. Even thinking about those plush lips of her was making my dick stir, but I couldn't concentrate on that right now. Thinking about a sexy girl with her spread eagle on the table while you fucked her in various ways was a way to a boner, but I was in class.

I rolled my neck and then sighed as I looked at the piece in front of me. The only problem for today was that I couldn't think about anything to draw because there was random images flashing through my mind and it didn't help that every few seconds, I would hear the slight ticking of footsteps from some of the girls in this class.

Sure, they were talented, but so fucking annoying. They wouldn't stop giggling as they walked passed me and I wouldn't have minded if it had been any other lesson, but I didn't want to fail the only subject I loved because of their stupid crush on me. Hell, if you weren't bold with your decisions then you could fuck right off.

Then again, I did like a good girl from time to time. They were a good challenge, especially when they would come to you a whole different person; the heartbreaking part on their behalf would be the fact that they wouldn't be able to change me for anything, no matter how much they tried. The only thing that they could achieve was changing themselves.

I would like to think of sex with me as a confidence booster. You want to go find yourself? Save yourself money from travelling around the world and come explore many different destinations with me in my bed, or yours.

"Joey?" I hummed my response as I continued to stare at my blank canvas. I craned my head a little to see my art teacher standing behind me with her eyes on my canvas as well. She sighed and shook her head, giving me a solemn look. If any other teacher were to give me that look, I would fuck the hell off from being being pissed off.

However, I could manage with my art teacher. Her name was Samantha Renton and she was the only teacher I think I would listen to; sorry, not sorry little nerd. She was young to be a teacher, but she wasn't someone who I looked at in that way, but many of the other guys would shamelessly flirt with her, not caring whether she was married or not.

"You're not getting any inspiration?" She questioned, eyes flickering to my own for a second before looking back at my canvas. I shook my head and did the same, starting to get a little annoyed about the fact that it was still plain and boring after twenty minutes. "Can't think of fuck all, everything's practically messed up." I told her.

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