C HA P T E R 14

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Giggles and laughter was the main noise in the kitchen, minus the sizzling and hissing that was the background sounds in my mind. The state of the kitchen was practically the definition of messy in my opinion, but did anyone care at this point? Not really. Everyone was having fun and by everyone, I meant Enna, Chelsie and Skye.

I stood by the sidelines, with my finger in my mouth trying to heal the pain I caused myself from when I had tried to take the pizza out of the oven. Being macho man in front of them hadn't gone exactly to plan because the moment I set the dish down, my finger had slipped onto the dish thing and I burnt my finger.

It was hilarious for all ages, such a shame that Aunt Addison wasn't here though.

Leaning against one of the counter tops, I watched as Enna sliced up pizza slices into lengths so that Skye could eat it easier while Chelsie was munching down her one of three slices. My little fatso didn't even care about the tomato sauce spread around her face, she was going to make a guy or gal so proud one day.

Enna herself hadn't started eating yet and neither had I, due to the pain, but somehow watching the nerd providing for the two kids made me forget. It was warming to see someone other than Josey and Ava (who were family members) take care of them. However, the downer to this was that she didn't pull out her new role of being a nurse like I thought she would have done.

"Save me a slice, fatso." I said, then grinned at Chelsie who was glaring at me from taking a bite out of her pizza. Enna tutted making me turn my attention to her and my eyes focused on her ass because she was bent over reaching for something on the floor. My, what a delicious plump looking ass she had.

The moment had gone almost too soon when she stood back up and at the same time, the front door had sounded. Bustling and hustling was heard and then footsteps, followed by the graceful looking Aunt Addison. She was shocked to see the mess for sure, but when her eyes landed on me and then my nieces, she smiled.

"What a lovely surprise! I wasn't aware that a handsome man like you could handle three girls in the kitchen!" The words had made the nerd blush and my lips had tilted up at the sides, forming a smirk because I had heard a bunch of random rumors going around the I had threesomes and foursomes, which had been true but it was occasional. Such a shame, in my opinion.

"An even bigger surprise is seeing how radiant you look, more so than last time." I exclaimed dramatically, adding a wink to my words. Addison had blushed at my words and looked towards Enna, who was looking away from us with a no doubt red face. "Enna! You haven't even offered food to this gentleman."

"He's no gentleman! He's a booger." Chelsie bellowed, laughing hysterically. My eyes narrowed at her playfully as I pushed myself off of the counter and headed towards my eldest niece. She screamed and I chased after her, catching her in my arms before she could leave the kitchen. I started tickling her and then placed her on one of the stools near Enna.

"If you'd like, Tante I can warm yours up again?" Addison had walked up to Enna and cupped her face in her hands before placing a kiss on her forehead, making the nerd's glasses move a little on her nose. "You are such a good girl, Meine Liebste. I will do it myself, don't you worry! Just entertain our guests in the mean time and you should be fine." (Meine Liebste-my dear).

Addison turned to Chelsie and smiled warmly at her and then tickled Skye's cheek before walking out of the kitchen. "Would you be willing to teach me German, sugar?" Enna glared up at me and blew a hair out of her face, while Chelsie's face scrunched up in disgust out of some odd reason.

"Why'd you call her after an ingredient? We made pizza, not cake."


It was almost ten at night and Josey had called me to say that she was home along with Drew and the twins (Ava and Kian). Me being the heart filled kind of guy, I had opted to help the nerd clean up the kitchen with Addie was showing Chelsie pictures of Enna and I don't know, I didn't quite pay attention because Skye was being put on my chest.

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