"It keeps me feeling like I'm still good, just like when I give blood." Her voice dropped a little as did her gaze when she looked out at the water, but the smile still was on her face, brightening up her features. "Being a mechanic is just to help out my uncle's business. He gave everything to my aunt before he died and she needed more workers, so I offered."

"Interesting, nerd." I said to her, but thinking that there was much more than to what she was telling me. "Tell me about your family. Your 'pain' must have started from somewhere, right?" I nodded my head, reluctant to tell a girl I barely knew anything about my life. However, where she was saying everything to me, why couldn't I?

Fuck, this was the thing that made me feel like I should tell her a lot more because she and I were opposites. Complete fucking opposite, which meant that after we were done graduating, she would take everything I said to her with her to her grave and I would do the same. The guys would always be there, but she wouldn't be and that was a fucking relief.

"Well, let's start with the two that had their night of fun and had a fucking angel." A laugh came out from the nerd's mouth and it sounded so different, like it was actually funny that I was talking ironically to her. "I was an accident, brought into a life with drugs, drinks and sex. Let's not forget the yelling, Christ there was so much of that.

"Anyway, my mother was, no wait, is, addicted to drugs and apparently she wasn't always like that. It had been my father who had pulled her into his world and got her addicted, just like he was but that wasn't the only thing that he was stuck to. It was the drinking and then the constant sounds of fucking, I swear that's why I sleep around so much.

"My whole life has just been filled with noises that can't leave me. It wasn't even just my parents, that's the fucked up part. My sister, Josette, she used to sleep around for money too and I don't...I just can't be disgusted at her for that because she practically saved me from a bunch of shit.

"Funny thing is, as much as I hate my parents for putting my sister through all of that, including bringing me into this world, it's the same thing I'm addicted to. I love parties, I love sex and I love the drugs that come with it. It's not even a show or a display like my tattoos, it's something that makes me forget, but it's something that reminds me that I'm like them."

"So why don't you gradually stop?" Her eyes locked with mine and for a second, I considered taking up her options but as innocent as this girl looked, she had no fucking idea. The fucking pull, the constant demons and hell that I would constantly go through when I would sleep or the bliss I felt after snorting some drug.

I could forget, but it would stick with me. Everything just would fucking stick with me.

The anger built up within me again and she noticed, but she made no attempts to look frightened or move. The smile had finally slid off of her face and she looked away from me, but I didn't want that, I didn't want her to fucking look away from me. I wanted her to understand that I loved it all for a reason.

I reached out to her, leaning closer as I put my hands under her chin and made her turn to me, so that she looked into my eyes. She gasped a little, noticing how close I had gotten to her and to any onlookers, we were sharing a romantic time together by the docks, just looking into each other's eyes. Close up, I was the predator feeding of its prey.

"You may sit here as my personal tutor and therapist, but don't ever advice me something so stupid as if you're a professional." I roughly let go of her and leaned back against the pole, watching as the place where I touched her reddened. Her chest rose up and down as her breathing was beating at a fast pace.

"Tell me about your family then, nerd." I said to her, voice husky and rough just as my movements had been towards her as well as the coldness that seeped through my words. I watched as she struggled to bring the words out, but she wouldn't say anything. So, sitting there like a gentleman, I waited.

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