Chapter 46: Jiraiya's Tragic Death

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A/N - Hi guys! Another chapter! The pic you see above was drawn by kawaiiJazz22 who drew her version of Nia which looks absolutely beautiful! If you guys have any fanart, just send them to me and I'll post them on a chapter for everyone to see or if you don't want anyone to see, I'll just keep it for myself for the rest of forever ❤️

Anyway, please remember to comment and vote and enjoy reading ❤️


Chapter 46: Jiraiya's Tragic Death

'It's no good,' Jiraiya thought in a slight panic, his body wracking with an immense amount of pain. 'My throat was crushed in that last attack.'

His body shook softly from the mind numbing hurt that was overriding rational thought. Any attempt to budge his body even a little was met with a surge of irreparable pain. The cold steel of those rods that were skewering him through various places on his abdomen were doing more than just damage to his organs. They were disrupting his chakra flow as well, invading his diminishing life force and hastening his descent into endless unconsciousness.

He felt as his body slowly began shutting down, and his eye lids were becoming heavier and heavier, his vision hazing and blurring out of view. His limbs felt like lead, though he attributed that to the rods that were holding him down. He could still twitch his right arm which was something, though that felt as if it was being weighed down by no less than a mountain.

A wheezing cough escaped his throat as he once more tried to create words, but to no avail. 'I must... I have to let them know of Pain's identity...'

His vision began blurring further, and Jiraiya could feel as it became ever more difficult to continue drawing breath. In what he felt was to be his last waking moments, Jiraiya turned his thoughts to that of his student. To that of his godson. Those last few years travelling with Naruto had been some of the best years of his life. He cherished every moment he'd been granted with his godson.

He'd felt in all honesty that he didn't even deserve as much, having not even been in the kid's life until three years ago. He was a failure of a godfather. Then there was Nia... The girl he only let under his wing simply cause she was one of three who deeply enjoyed his gutsy ninja novel.

He too had felt like he failed her... left her to die. Even though he had done all that he could to steer the girl away from death, his mind still pondered. What if she was pregnant somehow despite everything he done to make sure she wasn't? What if her life really was on the verge of ending?

Again, the prophecy ran through his mind once again. Blood... Heartache... Death. The vision crushed him.

Thinking back some more, Jiraiya came to the begrudging realisation that his whole life had just been filled with failure after failure. He'd have hoped to be able to defeat the Akatsuki here and today, to be able to defeat Pain and rid the world of the evil that was sure to befall it in the future and to save Nia from certain death.

Shinobi were measured not by how they lived, but by what they managed to accomplish before they died. He had hoped to die like one of the Hokage who had come before, ending his life and dying as nothing less than a splendid shinobi. He was supposed to guide the child of prophecy, guide them in their quest to save the world from its destruction.

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