Final Phase

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'Wake up Rahila, wake up'
I heard a familiar voice call my name, it was Ade.
'What happened Ade'
'I guess you passed out'
'Ade did you see everything, Chief Suleiman was not found guilty after everything I did'
'I think we should stop here Rahila, there is nothing like justice in Nigeria. That word doesn't exist here'
I started sobbing, this was not fair I did everything I was supposed to do. I could not take this anymore. I had to put an end to Suleiman myself, I wasn't going to trust anybody with that again. I went into my room to get my Dad's pistol. I stormed out of the house. I could here Ade's voice begging me to stop but I couldn't, I was blinded by rage.
* *
I got to Chief Suleiman's house and thankfully he was there. He was coming out of his car and there were no security personnel in sight. It was time to end it.
'Hello Chief'
'Do I know you young lady from somewhere?'
'Yes, you killed my Baba'
'What are you talking about?, I didn't kill anybody. You must be mistaken'
He made an attempt to get into the house.
'Patrick Yahaya, you killed him'
He turned facing me. His face was drowned in shock and fear as he noticed that I was holding a pistol.
'Rahila, what are you doing?'
It was Nuhu's voice, what was he doing here. I didn't want him to see me like this. He shouldn't, it would break him. He came in front of me cutting my line of sight to Chief Suleiman.
I could see the resemblance in their faces, everything suddenly made sense. Chief Suleiman is Nuhu's Father.
'Why are you aiming a gun at my father?'
'Your father, killed my Dad'
'Was that why you got so close to me, was I part of your plot for vengeance?'
'No Nuhu, I just discovered he is your father'
I could see the disappointment in his face but I couldn't stop here. My need for vengeance was greater than my love for Nuhu.
'Rahila drop the gun, he is not worth it'
'I haven't come this far to give up Nuhu, He needs to die'
I aimed the gun at Chief Suleiman again and pulled the trigger before anyone could stop me any further, but Chief Suleiman was still standing. I realized it wasn't Chief Suleiman that I had shot, it was Nuhu. He was there on the floor lying in a pool of blood.
'Rahila, you should stop here' he said fighting for his life.
I dropped on my knees and I saw what I had done. I could feel my chest tightening. I had killed my love. I raised my hand and pointed the gun to my head. I could hear Ade's voice begging me to stop but I don't think I can live again knowing I killed NUHU. I felt the same darkness I had felt before as I laid next to Nuhu.

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