Phase 3

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I couldn't go back to sleep after the dream I just had. More like a memory if you ask me. It's been so long since I dreamt of that night my Baba's living room. My subconscious was probably protecting me from the trauma or whatever shitty things psychiatrists tell their patients. The dream only increased my drive for revenge. I'm coming for you asshole.
I stared at the ceiling till I heard a cock crow nearby. The sun was already invading the darkness of my really large room. I climbed out of bed and glanced at the clock. It was 9 o'clock. Better get ready. I had a lot to do today.
I'd had already taken a bath and was dressed in my usual habit. Hoodie and trousers with a pair of sneakers. My phone vibrated slightly on the table. I peered suspiciously at the strange number on the screen. Not a lot of people had this number so I felt cautious.
"Hello," I said quietly listening closely to the background noise of the caller.
"Rahila, it's Dora." That was unusual. I'm quite sure I had Dora's number saved on my phone. She was the lady I hired to keep tabs on Chief Suleiman and his hitman. She was definitely doing a good job and was able to charm her way into the hit man's head. Mojo may be all tough but there's no way he can resist the opportunity of a free lay. No man can resist.
"I don't have this number." I said coolly. I always kept a formal tone when speaking with my employees.
"Yes. I got another phone because Mojo was getting suspicious." She said hurriedly. It sounded as if she was walking. "I'm meeting with Mojo at that guest house. He had the place booked for us."
"Okay. Give me the room number, I'd meet you there."
"Actually I already have it, room 406, it's on the last floor."
"Good job. Don't go in immediately, book a room first, on the floor below then send me the room details."
"Okay. See you there." Our conversation sounded as if we weren't planning someone's destruction. I wouldn't feel guilty now. Couldn't. I would allow myself to in another life. A life that I wasn't robbed off my happiness. I walked out of the house ten minutes later after receiving a text from Dora with the other room's number leaving my phone inside. After locking all the doors, I hid the key under a flower pot for Mama Aisha to find.

* * *

I walked down the street to catch a Keke. If you've lived in Nigeria for long. You'd know it was risky to enter any cab. You wouldn't want some vital body parts in a ritualist's shrine. But I think all those talk were superstitious, however, you can't be too careful.
A car stopped beside me as I waited to catch the Keke. It was Nuhu. He was smiling at me as if we've been friends for forever.
"Hey." He greeted cheerily
"Hey." I replied in a tone opposite to his. God not now. I didn't want to start a conversation with him. Not now. Not ever.
"Can I give you a ride or something?"
"Or something," I muttered under my breath. To him I replied, "no thanks, I'm good."
"Please, I insist," He persisted opening the door from inside. This won't hurt.
"Fine," I sighed, defeated. "I'd drop at the library."
"Okay, I'm going that way too. Good thing you met me right?"
"Right." I averted my eyes from his, staring straight at the road.
"Did I do something wrong?" He asked, forcing me to look at him.
"No, why?" I asked icily.
"Well, Rahila, your name is Rahila right? Since I met you, you always act cold and I've tried so hard to be nice."

I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my gut. I think guilt?. He was such an innocent in my dark, dark world.
"I'm not usually chatty," was my silly attempt at apology.
"Oh, okay... That's good for a start." He said as he approached the library. I got out when the car finally stopped and said a thank you.
"I'll see you around Rahila," He said whining up his glass.
I waited till he drove off before walking up to the hotel.

* * *

I asked the receptionist for Dora's room number and walked climbed up the stairs to the room. The good thing about this location was the absence of security cameras. Yup. Ade did his research. I entered Dora's room and made someone saw me enter. When the coast was clear, I quickly walked up to Mojo's room above. He was handcuffed to the bedpost and he looked really uncomfortable. Poor guy.
His eyes went wide as soon as he saw me.
"You may leave Dora," I said quietly watching fear seep into his eyes. I spat on him the moment I heard the door close behind me. I threw a blanket over his nude form. Gosh his body would give me nightmares. I never want to see that again.
"Let's talk." I smiled sweetly at him.

Keke : a tricycle.

Author's note.
Hey guys! We Finally wrote another chapter, trust us, it was hard. Thanks for your support and don't forget to vote and comment your thought.
We really need your comments.
Josierubby & Mimzagimbz😘😘

ScornedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora