Phase 8

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I needed to end this fiasco with Chief suleiman and his minions. I needed to start a normal life with or without Nuhu. I felt my whole humanity was eaten out from me, but I couldn't end it without getting revenge for my Dad.
I felt like speaking to Nuhu, I wanted to make him feel better but I didn't know how. How do you make someone feel good when you have not experienced it before.
I went out of my house, I walked into the Garden where I and Nuhu had sat to talk one night. Reminiscing on all those moments made me wish he was here, but I shouldn't be selfish his family needed him too.
I decided to call him;
'Hey' his voice sounded down from the other end of the call.
'How's your mum?'
'She hasn't woken up, yet and my Dad can't be here to...everything in my life just feels different you know'
'Sorry Nuhu, What can I do to make you feel better?'
'Nothing really, I just want my mum to wake up'
'She will Nuhu, you just have to have faith'
'Sorry Rahila, I need to go, the doctor wants to speak to me'
'Okay, call you later'
Just like that, the call ended.
In the evening of that day it rained, a strange heavy rain during the harmattan season. I sat on the sofa in the living room, listening to some good Nigerian music. I closed my eyes and snuggled deeper into the sofa as I listened to the music coming from the sound system which calmed me. My mind drifted to a dark place. What if everything I planned wasn't enough?, what if Chief Suleiman never gets his karma? Would I be okay with that? Or would I keep seeking vengeance till I get it. I didn't even know the answers to my own questions. I just wished justice was going to be served in the end and Chief Suleiman will loose everything like he did to me.

* * *
I woke up to see a missed call from Nuhu. He must have called while I was asleep. I noticed I had slept off on the sofa. I decided to call him back.
'I called, but you didn't pick up'
'Sorry I was sleeping, is everything okay'
'I lost my Mum yesterday, I just wanted to tell you'
'Oh my God Nuhu, I am sorry...where are you now?'
'I am still at the hospital, we are making arrangements to transfer her to the mortuary'
'Send me the address, I will be right there'
He later texted me the address of the hospital. I prepared to go see him immediately. When I got to the hospital I was trying to locate Nuhu since his line wasn't going through. I was about to give up in despair when I sited him coming towards me. His face looked sullen as a result of his constant crying. We looked at each other awkwardly for a moment.
'Nuhu I am sorry' I said with a deep concern
'Why are you Sorry, It's not like it's your fault' he said in a tired tone
'I searched for you all over, I thought you had left'
'we are still sorting out something's here' he was trying so hard to sound courageous.
'Should I get you something to eat?'
'I am not hungry, I just want this terrors to end, because that's what it feels like...night terrors'
I did not know what to tell him to make him feel better so I pulled him into an embrace because that always made me feel better. I could feel his heart beat fast. I looked up to see his face. I felt tears about to spill.
'It's okay Nuhu, everything will...' I said and the tears streamed down his face before I could complete my statement.
* *
His mum was buried immediately. Nuhu said it was his mother's wish to be buried that way. I searched for his dad but I couldn't find anyone that looked like Nuhu around, asides his siblings. The funeral was a private ceremony, so only immediate family members were present. I dared not ask him about his Dad because it felt like that was the last thing on his mind. Asking him about his Dad would just open old wounds which he was trying to heal.
After the funeral I went to talk to Nuhu.
'How are you feeling?' I asked
'I don't know, different, I feel a part of me has left. Thank you for everything Rahila, this means a lot'
'You would have done the same Nuhu, I need to go home, there is something important I must take care of.'
'Okay, will see you later'
We hugged and I left the funeral ground. I wished I was strong as Nuhu, he handled everything well. He saw this as part of life and that was different for me. I didn't see it as part of life. I was robbed of my Father and that wasn't part of life for me.
* *

Today was Chief Suleiman trial day, it was the day judgement was going to be served for my Dad at least. I put on the T.V to watch the verdict of the trial.
I checked the news bar to see if there was anything new about him, that was when I saw it. 'Chief Suleiman has been cleared of all his charges'. This can't be happening. I saw everything becoming dark.

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