Phase 7

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Nuhu was standing there, and he hugged me so tightly that he didn't want to let go. It felt like his life depended on it.
He cried on my shoulder and I waited till he was done before I beckoned on him to come inside the house. I told him to sit down and went to the kitchen to get him water to drink. He gulped the water hungrily, after drinking the water he looked calm.
"Nuhu, what happened? You look really sad,"
"My mum was admitted to the hospital yesterday, she heard a stroke" he said in between tears
"Rahila, I don't know what to do, she is all I and my siblings have, she can't leave us"
"Don't be like that Nuhu, you still have your Dad" he did not respond to my statement even though he knew I was saying the truth and he didn't want to hear that.
"Can I stay over, before I get back to the hospital"
"Sure, why not" I said
I told him to take a shower and I went to his house to get clothes for him. As I was leaving the room I saw a picture frame on his drawer, I took the picture frame to see whose picture was on it, it was him and a woman she looked advanced in age, I am guessing that was his mother. Her face looked familiar but I felt like I was just imagining things. I placed the frame back and headed for my house.
I handed Nuhu his clothes and waited for him to dress up. I was watching the news about Chief on the Telly, when he came to the sitting room, he smelt clean and fresh as I inhaled his scent. I smiled at him to show him that everything was going to be fine.
"Can you turn off the tv, I don't want to listen to any more bad news" he said
I went to the kitchen to scribble something out of what mama Aisha left for me to eat for Nuhu. He ate and slept off on the couch. I took the plates to the kitchen and went to my room to sleep too as I was tired from all the happenings.
I woke up later to check on Nuhu but he had left already. Sad, I wanted to be there for him and let him know he was not alone and that everything was going to be okay. Just when I was about to sit down on the couch, I saw a note telling me he had gone back to check up on his mother.
It was already afternoon and I had so much to do tomorrow. It was Chief Suleiman trial day I had to be there. I was angry with myself for not being with Nuhu when he needed me the most.

I called Nuhu and he told me his Mum was responding to treatment, he said he wanted me to meet his Mum and I told him I would love that. I would love to meet the woman who brought the amazing Nuhu to this world.
I decided that I was going to tell Nuhu all about me, because I saw a future with him and I did not want any secret between us. I loved him too much to loose him to lies and secrets. He told me he hated lies and secrets and I did not want Nuhu to hate me, I could not handle it. If he ever did hate I would die. His hate alone could kill me.
I was suppose to have a meeting with my dad lawyers to discuss somethings and so I went out. I needed a bit of fresh air, I needed to change the atmosphere I was in.
The meeting did not take long and so when we were done I took a cab home.
I took a long shower as I was revisiting all the events that had happened in my life and I realized that I have been sad for long. Ade was right I deserved to be happy and I was going to be happy with Nuhu. No one could stop that not even the almighty Chief Suleiman. I could not wait till he faced the consequences of all his actions.
I could not wait.

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