Phase 5

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Weeks past by so fast and I realized Nuhu became a very fast friend. I kept on replaying the kiss we shared. That was my first kiss and it was epic, I never had a boyfriend in my secondary school years and during my uni days, guess I felt it was a distraction from my studies and I was right not that Nuhu was my boyfriend even though I knew he wanted more from our relationship, I felt he distracted me from seeking revenge. I have never felt so good in years with Nuhu it was always happiness he was cheerful and I loved that about him having not to care about any other thing but your happiness.
Nuhu was a pediatric doctor and I could say from his behavior he was good with kids.

*        *        *
On that faithful Saturday day Nuhu called my phone and asked if I was free. Hell yeah even if I had nothing to do I was always free for Nuhu. It was like I needed no breathing space from him. So I informed him I was free he invited me to accompany him to his happy place.
I quickly showered and got dressed up but this time what I wore was different . I wore a blouse and a three quarter short...maybe I wanted Nuhu to know that I was changing that I was no longer the stuck up bitch when he first met me. I went outside and saw him in his car, he looked breathtaking the sun shined on his face as he whined the glasses of the car down.
"Hey, you ready?" He asked
I took a deep breath because I was anxious "yeah"
He opened the door to the front sit gesturing for me to enter. The car was filled with his perfume; the scent calming my nerves.
He drove us to a lake and told me to come down, at fist I was scared but later relaxed maybe because I thought of the realization that Nuhu could not hurt me. He took a piece of fabric from the boot of his car and laid it on the floor for us to sit.
"You look different today and it is a good kind of different"
"Thank... you don't look bad yourself" I replied
"So what's the story" I asked
"What story?"
"The story of your happy place"
"I grew up in a messed up home and felt I was choked up in the world of my parents..., I had to be the perfect son and live up to my father's expectations it was depressing and So one day I ran away from home and found myself was peaceful watching nature doing what they wanted to do without owing anybody an explanation"
"Wow" I said, if it was another person I would have thought he adapted that story from a movie he watched but I could see the truth in Nuhu's eyes.
"Since I have told you my story, what's your story?" He asked
I turned my face away, I did not want him to know I was a broken girl and I could not be fixed. He placed his hands on my shoulder, "it's okay if you don't want to say anything"... that was what I liked about him he always made me feel better.
We sat there in silence listening to the sound of the leaves of the trees rustling and the birds whistling. I laid down and he laid down with me.
"My mother died when I was a kid, my father died in my front while I was being raped...all because of politics" a drop of tears escaped from my eyes
He turned to face me and wiped the tears away.
"We are both messed up right?"he said
I laughed.
Our face came close, he ran his fingers with a feather like touch along my jaw (I did not flinch again). He traced it up towards my temples and his lips captured mine. We could both feel the sorrow and anguish in our heated kiss. Every nerve ending in our body was alive. One thing led to another and we were entangled in one another forgetting about the outside world.

*                *.               *
Nuhu traced shapes on my back as our heart beats normalized. We laid together in comfortable silence, neither of us wanting to move but we couldn't stay there in our own little bubble forever.
"It's getting late, we better be going" Nuhu finally spoke up
We dressed up and zoomed off back home, back to our sad lives.

When he dropped me off and I was about to open the gate to my house, I turned back
"Would you like to stay over?" I asked hoping for a positive reply.
"Yes" he said with a smirk

I and Nuhu laid down on my bed. Nuhu wrapped his arm around my waist and placed his hand on my head, tucking me into him. His heart was beating fast and so was mine.
"Do you think I am broken, Nuhu?"
"No one is broken"
And the first time in many nights I slept without my usual night terrors. If only everything was perfect like that exact moment maybe...

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