Phase 6

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The harmattan season came to an end and I was more than happy. Nuhu finally asked me to be his girl and I was so thrilled but I did not agree to his proposal. I needed to settle all my pending issues -finish my revenge- and so I told him I needed time to think, not that I was thinking about him being my boyfriend. I wanted to start the relationship on a clean slate without any secrets.

Chief Suleiman's campaign was today and I had everything planned out . Chief Suleiman was a man of the people and so I had to strike him hard. In a place where he wasn't going to recover fast from, HIS SUPPORTERS and then HIS FAMILY. Ade had prepared everything I needed to expose chief for what he was, I could not let him continue to corrupt the country.
I arrived at the campaign ground at about 9:00am. I knew that was too early ,but I needed to stand at the front row of the event to see his face be overwhelmed with shame and embarrassment .God! I was going to be the happiest person on earth.

Hours turned into minutes and then it was time. After the national anthem and the pledge, the M.C of the event welcomed all the invited guests and hailed the locals of the area with their usual sugar coated words to get them to vote the candidate of their party.
My phone was buzzing in my pocket non stop, I checked it was Nuhu and so I picked.
The place he was calling from was noisy.
'Can we see today?'
'I don't know yet but will call you if I am free'.
He said with a little disappointment in his voice and ended the call. It was time to call out chief Suleiman and talk about his biography. The projector was about to play a video about his biography and everyone was all smiles, the crowd went quiet and then the video played but this time it was not his biography it was him whipping a minor , a girl, he forced her to take in his male organ and people placed their hands on their mouth in shock over what they were seeing.
"Ade God will surely bless you", I said in my head with a smirk on my face.
The crowd was now running to the stage to beat up Chief Suleiman, I could see disgust on their faces. I could imagine their disappointment after finding out the man they wanted as their Governor was a sham and a pedophile and trust me, they were yet to discover more.
His body guards led him out and tried to protect him from the raging crowd.
I made a run for it, because everything was turning into a stampede, I could not lose everything I worked for at this moment.
When I got home I called Ade to proceed with the next stage of the plan. I called Nuhu to inform him I was free but he wasn't picking up my calls. I was sad. I wanted to rejoice over my victory with him, maybe finally get to tell him all about my past.
Since Nuhu wasn't forth coming I decided to make the day memorable, I wasn't supposed to be sad I had to enjoy my victory but I could not help but feel worried about Nuhu's absence. I played a song on my DVD player and danced to it, then I ordered takeout to eat at home. After eating I went to my room and sat on my bed.
"daddy would be so proud of me"( or that was what I thought)
Our enemies were finally getting what they deserved . Justice was now being served. I was finally doing what he wanted creating an environment that was free of immorality.
The next day Ade came to my house and informed me that the news of Chief was all over the internet. He handed over the newspaper he brought to me. He was summoned by the court over looting of funds and drug trafficking.
"Well done Ade, you did so well", I told him. that was the second to the last phase of the plan, I went on to read the other headlines, it read; "Chief Suleiman: the drug lord, the corrupt politician and the pedophile". I grinned. He was to appear before the court on Thursday and that was next tomorrow. I wanted to be there to watch him leave the court with handcuffs and taken to jail for life. Hell yes! I wanted him killed because that was the best judgement for him and the people that were affected by his corrupt acts. I looked up and caught Ade smiling at me.
"I am just glad you are happy", he said
"Thank you very much".
Ade left and I was left alone bored, all of a sudden I heard a knock on the door. I went to get it. It was Nuhu, his face was sad and he looked tired.

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