[04. In the Know]

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Jeremy calmed down slightly once Elena left the room, allowing him to actually sit at the table and eat breakfast. He and Jenna listened intently as Lucy explained each antique and its significance to the Gilbert family—she was kind of a nerd about that kind of stuff.

Lucy was explaining the last antique, an emerald brooch belonging to their ancestor, Samantha, when the front door opened again. Casual footsteps loomed closer before Joel appeared in the doorway, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

"Hello, family!" he greeted them cheerfully. "It is I, the greatest Gilbert!"

"Hello, Greatest Gilbert," Lucy, Jeremy, and Jenna chorused, all smiling at the sight of Joel.

"What are you doing here?" Jenna wondered, an eyebrow raised. "Don't you have a test on Monday?"

Joel rolled his eyes. "Yes, Mother, I do," he shrugged. "I can study while I'm here. I didn't want to miss the Founder's Ball."

"Because there's free booze," Lucy interjected, winking at Joel.

In all seriousness, she was very happy to see her older brother. It'd been a week since her phone call with him about Damon and Mr. Tanner's death. She needed answers about Damon's mind powers and it seemed like Joel knew what was going on.

"Of course, it's because there's free booze," Joel laughed. "Lulu, could you help me bring my bags upstairs?" he gave her a knowing look, silently telling her to follow him.

"Sure," Lucy agreed. She stood up and grabbed the duffel bag from him. "You have more than one bag?"

"I'm a stylish young man, Lucy-Goosey. What did you expect?"

The two siblings walked out of the dining room, stopping in the foyer to grab Joel's other bag, which was actually just a laptop case. It didn't bother Lucy; she knew that he didn't really need help, he just wanted to speak with her in private.

"Where's Lenabug?" Joel asked as they walked down the hall to his room which was on the other side of his and Lucy's shared bathroom.

"In her room with Stefan," Lucy told him casually. "She thinks we don't know he's in there, but we're not oblivious."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about Lena's new boytoy," Joel opened the door to his room and set his laptop case on his bed. He abruptly turned around and headed out of the room, strolling over to Elena's door and pounding it with his fist.

"Joel, what the hell are you doing?" Lucy hissed, hovering behind him.

"Being a protective older brother who gives the new boyfriend a hard time," Joel answered indifferently. The door opened abruptly and he gave Elena an innocent smile.


"Hello, dearest Elena, I heard there's a boy in your room," Joel greeted her cheerfully.

Elena's surprised gaze turned to a glare as she looked from Joel to Lucy. Lucy shrugged apologetically. Joel took the opportunity to push past Elena, seeing Stefan standing casually by the window seat.

"Hello," Stefan said politely, walking forward and holding out his hand for Joel to shake. "You must be Joel. I'm Stefan Salvatore."

Joel's gaze hardened slightly as he shook Stefan's hand, much to Lucy's confusion. Maybe it was because he was Elena's boyfriend or maybe it was because Damon did his mind thing to Lucy. Either way, Joel was nailing his role of the protector.

"Nice to meet you, Stefan," Joel said coolly. "Salvatore, huh? Founding family...how old are you, again?"

"Joel!" Elena hissed, embarrassed.

Sincerely Yours [Stefan Salvatore]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum