[02. Boss Lady]

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[1x02; The Night of the Comet]

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[1x02; The Night of the Comet]

Lucy's phone had been buzzing since she woke up, text messages and worried calls from Mrs. Lockwood, the mayor's wife distracting her from getting ready for school. Lucy answered all of them diligently, reminding herself to have patience for the controlling woman who meant well.

Before the accident, Lucy and her mother often spent hours going over the traditions of Mystic Falls and what it meant to be a member of a founding family. Since the Gilbert family was a founding family, it meant that they were held to a higher regard than others and they had certain responsibilities. In Miranda Gilbert's case—and now Lucy's—it meant helping out with town events.

Lucy wanted to honor her mother, so before school had started back up, she applied to be student ambassador on the town's planning committee. To her shock, and also satisfaction, she was chosen. Surprisingly, Lucy thrived in her role of responsibility—she had helped plan a small back-to-school supply drive for the middle and elementary schools and it was so successful that she had Mrs. Lockwood and the other members of the committee beaming with pride.

So now Mrs. Lockwood gave her more responsibility, starting with the celebration of the comet which would pass over Mystic Falls the next night. Her responsibilities weren't hard; all she had to do was design and organize the pamphlets and hand out candles to people who were at the event.

Lucy finished getting dressed—a simple dress-and-cardigan combination, adorned with a crown braid—and grabbed her phone and bag, heading out of her bedroom. She closed her door and was immediately grabbed by Jenna, who dragged her into her bedroom.

"I need your help," Jenna declared, sitting Lucy on her bed.

"With what?" Lucy wondered before looking around Jenna's room. It was a disaster with clothing strewn about everywhere. "Fashion emergency?"

Jenna nodded. "I'm meeting with Tanner about Jeremy."

Lucy raised her eyebrows. "Already?" she asked, slightly impressed—even Joel hadn't caused enough trouble in school to warrant a guardian visit the third day of the year.

"Yeah," Jenna groaned and reached into her closet, which still had a lot of clothes, even though most of them were laying around the room. She picked out two dresses; one was a modest dark purple number and the other was slightly less professional. "Which one?"

"The purple," Lucy picked easily. "Tanner would judge you hardcore if you came in that," she gestured to the other dress.

Jenna nodded thoughtfully and let the other dress fall to the floor, walking over to her bathroom with the purple dress in hand. Moments later she came out fully dressed, making Lucy nod her approval.

"Okay, what should I do with my hair?" Jenna wondered, looking into her vanity mirror. She paused, both of them hearing Elena's bedroom door open. "I'm gonna ask Elena."

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