[42. Roadtrip to the Windy City]

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[3x03; The End of the Affair]

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[3x03; The End of the Affair]

August 2, 2010


It's been over a month since Elena's birthday and things have been so crazy that I couldn't write to you as often as I'd like.

Caroline went missing for a whole week. Apparently, when she was sneaking out of Tyler's house on the morning of the full moon, Mrs. Lockwood shot her up with vervain. Tyler showed her his transformation that night and she said she'd take care of it. A week later and Caroline was still nowhere to be seen. Tyler, Liz, and I were frantic trying to search for her before finding out that Caroline's dad, Bill, was back in town to deal with Caroline. It was pretty obvious to Liz where Caroline was after that; for over a century, the Forbes family had a little torture room for vampires hidden under city hall.

Liz threatened to shoot Bill and we found Caroline in the cell, starving and bleeding from being tortured with the sun without her daylight ring. It was so confusing to me because Bill had always loved and spoiled Caroline so much...how could a parent do that to their child?

Caroline's fine now, just a little jumpy, and Damon compelled Bill out of town, convincing him that he came to Mystic Falls to take Caroline back-to-school shopping. If only that was really what happened...Hopefully we won't see him again.

Joel has officially started his job at the school. He's starting to set up all the computers around school under the strict watch of the computer tech teacher. He absolutely hates the guy and wishes he'd leave him alone but he won't compel him.

Senior year starts in two weeks, can you believe that? This summer flew by. We all got our schedules for the upcoming year and there was finally enough room for me to take an AP history class. Alaric's teaching and Caroline and Tyler got spots, too! Our lockers are the same as last year and I gotta say that I'm really going to miss having you as a locker-neighbor. Who else is gonna help me with my combination?

I miss you, Stefan. Three months is too long. I hope you're okay and you're staying strong. Tell Klaus to stop being a hybrid asshole and let you come back home. Everyone misses you.

Keep fighting, Stefan.

Sincerely yours,



"Rise and shine, Twitch! We've got a long day ahead of us!"

Lucy groaned and rolled over, burying her head into her pillow. She swatted at Damon's hands as he tried to pull her comforter off her. He resisted, continuing to grab the blanket, and she finally threatened to siphon from him if he didn't stop.

"Wake up!" Damon cooed annoyingly, backing away from her bed.

"Ugh," she grunted and flopped onto her back, reluctantly opening her aching eyes and checking the time on her phone. "What the hell are you doing here? Why are you in my room at six in the morning?"

Sincerely Yours [Stefan Salvatore]Where stories live. Discover now