Arjun's heart pained seeing his daughter like this, the baby girl he vowed to protect all her life, was in this condition and he was helpless, he failed to protect her...

'Please Wake up, Princess... I promise I will get you anything you want, will do whatever you say... Won't even trouble Aayan... Just wake up my child... I cannot see you like this...' he sobbed, caressing her hair

She didn't deserve this.... This is all because of me...

He covered his face with his palms and cried, when someone hugged him from behind...

He recognised who it was and sobbed in their arms and Naina held him tightly...

'Be strong Arjun, our princess will need you, when she wakes up...' she caressed his hair and he cried more

'She was a good kid, never did anything to hurt anyone intentionally... Bad things shouldn't happen to her... It's all because of me...' he sobs

'You have nothing to do with this Arjun, don't blame yourself unnecessarily...' Naina consoles him, but wipes her own tears

She couldn't see her baby like this, but she had to be strong, for Ananya and Aayan as well..

'No Naina, once a father suffered the pain of being away from his daughter because of my stupidity... Life came back to me for that... Now I understand what your father would've felt...' He says and Naina caresses his hair

'Stop blaming yourself Arjun, you have nothing to do with this... Get a hold of yourself... Remember the promise you made to Ananya when she was a child...' Naina reminds him and he sighs

Of Course, he cannot break the promise he made to her...

15 years ago...
Arjun's old apartment..

Thapar's new house was under construction, so they shifted back to their old apartment, where they used to live with their parents...

Adi and Sash were in Mumbai, with their wives and children, taking care of E market's affairs there...

Arjun's parents shifted to their ancestral home in Punjab, and decided to stay there for the rest of their lives..

Arjun and his kids were in their old apartment, well, Arjun, Vansh, Naina and Ananya, because Ved was in the boarding school...

Naina was in the kitchen preparing dinner, while Arjun sat on the dining table there, looking at the papers she gave him to assess,  Ananya was sitting with him as well, she was scribbling on a paper with her crayon...

'You think this video lecture thing, will it work...?' He asks, looking at the papers

'Well we are not sure, but it's worth a shot... But we need a place for that... Our old office's lighting is very poor...' she replies

'You guys can rent a place...' he suggested

'We are short of funds...' Naina informs 'Plus investing so much for a temporary thing seems impractical...'

'See I can help...' he began, but Naina cuts him off

'No... You are not paying for it....' She warns and he sighs, but smiles looking at Ananya's drawing where the house was bigger than the mountain she drew...

'See... I have a proposition... Why don't you guys use E market's old meeting room for your work... And pay me the rent for the time you guys use that...?'

I Will Never Be YoursWhere stories live. Discover now