Chapter 1: First Days

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The doors loomed infront of me, I was hesitant to take that first step. My father gave me a small nudge and I glared back at him; he knew I hated that. He backed off and I signalled that he wait in the car. I took a deep breath and pushed open the giant door to Arkham Asylum, my new and first job.

I was here on recomendation from my uncle, whom I didn't know but he apparently knew me. My dad explained it as him being like a long lost uncle that not even he knew. It was odd but I got my dream job so I was happy.

I walked up to the burly receptionist. Her messy auburn hair stuck to the corners of her mouth, and asked her where I should go. She looked up lazily and handed me a panflet; "Welcome to Arkham Asylum, here to help you." I frowned when I read "Fill in here to enroll for treatment." What was she implying? "Excuse me Miss, I'm not a patient, I'm..." "She's Miss Katrina Crane, our newest recruit," came a voice from the hall. The receptionist got flustered and gave me a clip-board with an employee information form and badge on it.

I nodded in thanks and walked down the hall to the voice of Dr. Wrexler. He greeted me with a warm smile. He wasn't bad looking for an older guy. He had a certain foreign charm about him that complimented his robust features quite well.

He walked me to a small office in the East wing and explained how the room had 2 emergency panic buttons and that there was a rifle under my desk. Although he did hope that I would never need to use them. I mumbled a thank you as he left the room.

"Time to get organized" I muttered to myself, plugging in my earphones.I played "Salvation" by The Cranberries as I made my office more suitable for me. I smiled in relief once the room was to my liking.

The little speaker on my desk crackled to life as I heard the following; "Miss Crane would you please head down to the main interrogation room, Dr. Lanskey and Dr. Wrexler are waiting for you." I uneasily pressed the button and replied "Thank you." I then muttered "Strange ancient technology."

As I was about to enter the interrogation room Dr. Lanskey walked out rubbing his temples. He looked up but before he said anything, maniacle laughter broke the silence. "Who's in there?" I questioned. I was replied by a deep growl, "JOKER" it said. That was the first time I'd ever heard and seen The Batman in the flesh.

"Mrs. Crane I presume," he asked sounding suspiscious. "It's Miss and, please, call me Kat" I said and offered my hand for a handshake. He reluctantly shook it, his grip was nearly bone crushing but I didn't let on. His persona was fascinating but I wasn't here to analyze him, I was here to analyze the truly bewildered, to analyze the Joker.

I glided into the room, clip-board in hand, and sat down in the chair across from the Clown-Prince-of-Crime himself.


Ok, it is done. You can comment or vote, anything you like. Oh and Dr. Wrexler is supposed to look like Dr. Hannibal Lector from the series Hannibal. Yeah wellllll I kinda find him oddly attractive but would pick Mistah J over him anyday! ;-)

Love you all.

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