Chapter 29: Home-coming

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Katrina's POV;

I walked briskly out of the airport, my luggage in tow. It had been 10 months since I'd last stepped foot on Gotham. It may seem like not so long ago but to me it felt like ages.

I called a cab and headed straight home. Hopefully Jonnathon hadn't wrecked the place or gotten caught and left it to rot. I was excited to see my brother again, after this long break I'd realised how much I needed him.

I'd spent the last ten months with my friends from my old life. It was an enjoyable experience, Lissy was now married and expecting twins amd Cale was a single mom of three beautiful girls. It was amazing to see the miniature versions of her running around with their dolls playing pretend. It reminded me of us and our youth. Except this time the trio consisted of 3 actual sisters.

I thought back to the chunk of my heart amd soul that I'd left behind, here in Gotham. Since my abilities had strengthened after much practise I could usually pin-point the location of a specific person's electrical signiture. I couldn't find his.

Inside the house I noticed a pick post-it saying;
Glad your home!
Sorry I'm not there at the moment, I did get your message that you'd be home today but I'm afraid my phone's been bugged by the Bat and am therefore laying low for a while. I will see you soon. You can find me near the docks.
Love, your brother, Jonnathon.

I smiled mischieviously, I'd secretly missed the constant excitement Gotham held firmly in its claws. It made me feel at home.

I decided it would be best to find Joker since I could not pick-up his electrical trail. Meaning he was underground, at a power station (darn those things) or, worst case scenario after death, locked up at maximum security in Arkham. I got into the suit that Cale had made for me. Being the accepting person she was, she didn't make a fuss on my choice of lifestyle and actually congradulated me on finding love. The gun was, as she put it "encouragement to fight for that love".

Lissy was more excited on getting the job of tweeking the outfit and had made some quite colourful alterations... but in the end it looked amazing and so did I.

I headed to the Steel Mill and was met with the horrifying truth, Joker wasn't there.

And here we go, the very next chapter. The next will probably only be started after the 13th of April because that is my last exam , chemistry urgh.

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