Chapter 18: drama-bomb

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Katrina's POV:

I watched Bruce go from red to purple. I was guilty of betraying his trust and I felt bad. I wanted to snap at the two juveniles next to me but now was not the time. I motioned for the boys to leave the room while I got a lecture from the Bat.

"What do you think you're doing letting those scum bags into your house!?" he yelled. This made me fume; "One of those 'scum bags' is my brother and I think your in no position to judge them when you yourself are so often on the wrong side of the law! How dare you just barge into my house and expect me to be fine with it! And how can you for one second believe that I would not take care of the brother I never knew I had!"

I huffed and looked away. He spoke softly; "I can understand that but... why is the Joker free and why is he laughing with you." It sounded like he was holding back tears but I refused to feel sorry for him. It was not my fault that his affections were not returned. And that instead of being in love with him I was in love with the clown. Hm I guess I am, I am in love with... the Joker!

"Bruce I think it would be best if you left now. I'm sorry, we'll chat another time I guess," I said with my head low. Bruce lifted my chin and kissed me but I pushed him off. A rogue tear slithered down his cheak and he turned to leave.

I heard a whisper of a triumphant "yess!!" from upstairs. I turned and trudged up the steps and plonked myself on the bed. "You guys can come out now, he's gone." I heard them shuffle out of their hiding spots. Jonnathen came up to me with a frown that matched Joker's perfetly.

"Why was Bruce Wayne in your house? How does he even know you!?" questioned Jonnathen unhappily. I was only half surprised because I was expecting a different conflict of interest. I didn't know exactly what I was expecting but it deffinately wasn't that!

*sigh* it's going to be a loooong night explaining everything. It was going to be difficult not telling them too much because I don't think it would do well to tell 2 of Gotham's most wanted criminals Batman's true identity.

A/N: here you go my lovlies. I will only write on weekends... maybe. My exams have started and I neeeeed to study alot!!
♥Love you my cupcakes!!!!

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