Chapter 25: Choices, choices.

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                          →Time skip←

Katrina's POV:

Well I'm back at work, I'd sent a notice a while back that I needed some time off to work on things. The doors once again loomed infront of me and I wondered who I would be treating since both my Jonnathen and Joker were out. I was nervous, no that's a gross understatement! I was anxious, hmm getting there.

My office which used to feel a tad homey now felt cramped and stuffy. I walked to the break room amd grabbed some coffee. It was awful but atleast ot got my mind off of the choices that were swimming in my brain.

I'd been thinking  a lot lately. Infact I'd been racking my brain figuring out what it all meant for my future. For the past few days I'd barely left Joker's side. I'd been his main weapon against Penguins forces and I must admit that it was fun letting my darker side loose but at what price? Was I losing my sanity? Will I ever have a normal life? I've already lost too many people that were close to me, will I lose more if I go down this path?

It seemed that Batz wasn't very happy about my new position, he was certainly shocked! Well I guess I would never peg myself as a super villain. Then again I'd never pegged myself as a super anything before. *sigh* If only life's choices were easy.

The break room door opened and the room's energy lit up as the bubbly Maybel skipped in gleefully. Her smiled drooped slightly when she saw me "You're drinking the coffee? Something must be really wrong. What's up?" A teeny grin snuck its way onto my face. "I'm just working through some things May. Nothing too serious." She gave me that all-knowing-don't-lie-me smirk and giggled.

"Kat, I'm a proffesional. I know when some-one is lying to me. And not only that but I'm also your friend and I know when something's up with you. So just tell me and if you'd prefer it we you can come over to my house later and we can chat?" I looked up at her and felt extremely lucky to have a friend like her and nodded.

I got up and she walked me to my office amd hugged me. I checked my schedule and noticed nothing, or should I say no-one, significant planned for today, phew.

In May's car, which was very comfy, I realised that ot would be a good idea to eventually get one of my own. I'd always depended on my parents or some-one else to give me a ride but, I thought that it's time for some independence. If not now, soon.


I'm sooooo sorry that this is sooo late. I've been focussing on gaming and watching movies with my mom. And well I guess I've suffered minor writers block but that's just from lack of looking for inspiration not not having it. Well the car is not Maybels unless you want to see her driving it. Can anyone give suggestion on what kind of car will suit Kat as her first? Well enjoy and I'll get right on the next chapter.

Thank you for reading ♥.♥

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