Chapter 1; Introductions

Start from the beginning

"She's a new hire for the squad, we've been friends for a long time," Shayne explained.

Smiling Joven jutted his hand out to me, "I'm Josh but, everyone calls me Joven."

"Y/N" I smile back shaking his outstretched hand. Once letting go of his hand I looked to the man standing on Joven's right only to be met with his light brown eyes staring back at me. Smiling I looked down at my feet, I could feel my face blush from his attention. I saw Joven shove an elbow against his side seeming to break him from whatever he was daydreaming of.

"Uh, Damien. I'm Damien," awkwardly he tucked his beanie underneath his arm and offered me his hand. Looking back up at him I smiled, softly taking his hand. Once again his eyes were trained on me as if trying to study me and instead of shaking hands it felt more as if we were just holding hands in the middle of a hallway.

Clearing his throat, Damien dropped my hand. He smiled at me once more before continuing down the hallway and entering into the Smosh Games office.

"Don't mind him, he's a little shy at first," Joven said before following Damien down the hall and into the office. Turning to look at Shayne he had a weird smile on his face, the one he gets where he seems to know something that I don't.

Squinting up at him I frowned, "what's that smile for?" At my question Shayne just shook his head, his eyes landing on me once more.

"Oh, nothing. Lets go set up your desk, yeah?"

-------------------------time skip to a few hours later---------------------

"Alright, alright everyone! Settle down," Ian stood in the front of the large conference room, Matt and Sunny at his side, "I know it's lunch time but, I wanted to get everyone on the same page. First off, Y/N welcome to the Smosh family!" Applause and cheers followed his statement making me smile at the people around me. Sitting in between Courtney and Shayne both of them patted me on my shoulders, after a few more seconds the room was once again quiet.

This time it was Matt who spoke, "After a lot of talking and planning we have decided to go ahead and go through with Smosh Winter Games," this time the applause was louder, people loudly cheering and laughing. Smiling I watched as several of the Smosh Games members started to shove each other around taking about who was gonna win. Damien was in the middle of it, sitting in between Mari and Lasercorn, all three of them were teasing and making fun of each other. Laughing at them I shook my head at their antics...although it was nice to see Damien smile again.

"And," Matt yelled, gaining the attention of the room again, "since we have a newbie this year we only see it as fair if she is one of the team captains," he smiled and winked in my direction. I didn't know how to process this information. Me...a team captain. Well, my team better prepare to lose now.

Sunny took Matt's place, "but, we still need a caption for the other team so..." he held up a hat for everyone to see, "whoever's name is drawn is the other team caption." This time there was no applause, no cheering, only excited stares as everyone waited in suspense.

"I hope it's not me," Courtney whispered looking back at me, "I wanna be on a team with you." Smiling at her I nudged her with my elbow.

"If you're not chosen for team captain you'll be my first pick,"I whispered back and watched as she smiled widely back at me. She then scooted her chair closer to mine so she could quickly side hug me before turning our attention back to Sunny.

Dramatically, he stood up on a chair holding the hat up higher in the air, "so everyone knows Ian isn't cheating." Ian only looked up at Sunny and then the hat which was held too far above his head to reach.

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