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Catch Me If You Can
Season 4 Episode 11

I'm walking towards the living room of Gilbert house as I used my super-hearing to listen where Elena is at. "Did you know when Damon and I were children our favorite game was hide and seek? It was my favorite because I always win."

I made it into the living room and she isn't there. I can sense that she's behind me and I quickly turn around, "Boo!" I said as she flinches and I grabbed the long wood that was in her hand and pushed her on the floor.

"Come on, Elena. Is this all you got? All that training with Alaric gone to waste. Good thing he's isn't here to see it." I said and she quickly stands up. She goes for a punch but I grabbed her fist. I squeezed it breaking her wrist and she kneels on the floor as she screams in pain. "When it comes to my brother I am very protective, to say the least."

She grabs my foot making me fall on my back and she gets on top of me but I kicked her off of me and stood up. She speeds towards the kitchen and I walked there.

"When I came into town I knew you were going to exactly like Katherine if not worse."

When I walked in the kitchen she swings a pan at me but I ducked down as I grabbed the pan from her hand and I hit her with it. She went flying back hitting her back against the fridge and falls on the floor. Blood is coming out of her nose and she starts coughing out blood too.

"You slept with Damon a day after you and Stefan broke up. That's a new low. They're brothers." I said as I grabbed a knife. I slide my finger on the edge to see how sharp it was. "I think I might just carve out your heart." I said but then I get an idea. I threw the knife at her and she catches it. I smiled as she catches the sharp part.

"I was stupid to believe you were different." I said grabbing her by the neck and pinned her against the wall. She stabs the knife in my stomach and I smiled as she looks at me confusingly. "I'm a vampire. An old one."

I took out the knife and dropped it on the floor. I grabbed a wooden spoon from the counter and shoved it near her heart and she gasps. "How does it feel to be so close to death? One slight move and it's light out."

"I know the pain you're in." She says and I scoffed as I removed the wooden spoon.

"Pain? You have no idea what real pain feels like."

"I lost both my parents on the same day."

"The same parents that lied to you your whole life. My parents lied to me my whole life. I guess that's the only thing we have in common. Do you want to know what real pain feels like? Real pain is when you carry your child in your womb for 8 months at the age of 15 only to lose her... to carry her body in your arms wondering where did you go wrong. What did you do for this to happen? What did you do to deserve this pain? Getting pregnant again and only to be turned into a vampire. Having to cut yourself open to take out your child because it did not survive. That what real pain, real heartbreak feels like. Not only having your heart shattered into a million pieces but having your whole body ache with pain." I said as I didn't realize the tears coming out of my eyes and I quickly wiped them.

"I promise to break your heart and now I get to fulfill that promise." I said as I get my hand ready to shove it through her heart when I'm thrown across the room.

I quickly get up to see Damon standing in front of Elena. "When you didn't show up with Klaus I thought you might be up to something." He says.

"This night is getting better and better." I smirked.

I showed him my bloodshot eyes, under-eye veins, and fangs. "Leave, Ava."

"I will." I said and he looks hopeful. "After I kill her."

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