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Season 2 Episode 7
Part 1

"Here." Damon says as he gives Caroline a glass of blood as she just told us what happened today.

"I'm still shaking." Caroline says grabbing the glass from Damon's hands.

Stefan walks in and asks, "What happened?"

"Well, spit it out now." I urged.

"Go ahead, tell him. You're gonna love this." Damon adds.

"I saw Katherine today." Caroline said.

"Where?" Stefan asks.

"At the Grill. I just stopped by to gawk and...quasi-stalk Matt."

Caroline tells us everything that happens at the grill. That Katherine wants the moonstone or she'll rip this town apart until it rains blood. Tonight at the masquerade ball.

"She wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard." Stefan said.

"She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks." Damon added.

"I doubt she's out of tricks. Katherine is smart. She's probably adding more and more tricks."

"Ava's right we can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her." Stefan said.

"Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?" Caroline asks.

"No, Katherine's not getting dick." Damon says as walks over to Stefan and me.

"I don't care if she kills everyone in this town. She's not getting her hands on that moonstone." I said noticing Stefan looking a bit nervous.

"I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight." Damon said.

"You're not gonna kill her." Stefan replied.

"Your kidding, right? I mean c' mon..."

"Don't give me that goody-goody crap." Damon says as he points at him.

"You're not gonna kill her." Stefan repeated.

"Oh, really?" Damon asks, testing him.

"Because I am." Stefan says as Damon and I look at him proudly.

"Well, that was unexpected." I smiled.


Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Alaric, Jeremy, and I are in the living room. Bonnie walks in with her grimoire.

"Well look who the cat dragged in." I said as I passed Damon a wooden stake.

"She's going to help us." Damon said.

"A semi-newbie witch helping us against a vampire who's over 500 years of age?" I question.

"She's good."

"I've been a vampire 3 years longer than you or Stefan have she couldn't even put me down."

"Just trust that she knows what she's doing." Damon said.

"Hey, you've brought the grimoire. Thank you." Stefan says to Bonnie.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"We're gonna kill Katherine." Jeremy says as comes up from behind.

"I can explain."


"We're gonna kill Katherine." Stefan repeats the same thing Jeremy said.

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