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Kill or Be KilledSeason 2 Episode 5

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Kill or Be Killed
Season 2 Episode 5

I'm walking around the park I just arrived in town 30 minutes ago. Jenna informed me that Elena is at the Historical Society Volunteer Picnic at the park. Where there's an Elena there's a Stefan and Damon follows close behind.

I look around to see Elena and Caroline talking with worried looks on their faces. I quickly vamp-speed towards them while no one saw.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly and they both jump at my sudden appearance.

"Damon and Stefan they're in trouble." Caroline grabs Elena hand and the vamps-speeds away and I follow.

Caroline and I stop dead in our tracks at the same time.

Elena realizes that we stop running, "What is it?"

"They've been here?" Caroline bends down and touches a leaf with blood on it.

"What?" Elena asks and she watches Caroline rubbing the blood with her fingers.

I looked around to see blood around the area.
"Yeah, they've been here. Their blood I can smell it." I hear someone behind me so I turned around and it's Mason.

"What are you three doing out here?" Mason asks.

"Have you seen Stefan?" Elena stupidly asks as if he's going to tell her.

"Yeah Elena, I've seen him. Seen Damon too." He walks closer to us and I stand there unfazed.

"Where are they?" Elena once again stupidly asks.

"You don't need me for that. I'll let your friends here sniff them out."

"You know what Mason I don't have time to play with your fetch games." I said angrily.

"You're just like your brother with all the dog jokes references. They're getting old." He then looks at Caroline.

"Does your mother know what you are? I'm happy to tell her." He said in a threatening tone.

She goes towards him but he grabs Elena and puts her in a chokehold.

"Don't be stupid! Necks snap are easy around here." He says while still holding Elena in a chokehold.

"For some reason my brothers like this whiny little twit." I looked at Elena, "No offense." I look back at Mason, "And because I love my brothers and they love her I won't let you hurt her."

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