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The Ties That Bind
Season 3 Episode 12

(Flashback February 1890 New Orleans.)
Klaus and I walked are in his art room, "Why did you bring me here?" I asked with curiosity as I followed him.

He doesn't say anything he just looks at the wall. I turned to see what he was looking at and it was a painting of me. Down to every detail. It's a painting of me when he took me to the woods with the glowing butterflies and all the other glowing insects. I stand there admiring the beauty. I'd never thought a painting can make me look more beautiful than I actually am.

"I look happy." I commented.

"Aren't you... happy?"

"I don't even know what happiness feels like anymore." I said as I continued to look at the painting and then turn to look at him, "I've been through so many things more than you know and by history, I was not supposed to survive this long but I have. I survived. I see the way you look at me and I know how you feel about me but I can't ..." I said and he cuts me off.

"Is it that actually that bad to for me to like you?"

"No. It's not. In Italy, I went by Blake Novak. I created my story as it went along and now? I'm Ava Rose Salvatore. The broken girl who feels like her past is haunting her."

"You're not broken, Ava. You're really brave. You know that, right?" Klaus asks.

"Then why do I feel scared all the time? I hate being scared. I hate it. I try and try to fearless but I can't no matter how much I try. When I'm around you my guard is down. I cannot afford to be vulnerable and neither can you."

"You don't have to be afraid anymore." Klaus says as he takes hold of my hand.

"I have to be afraid. Paranoia, trauma, whatever you want to call it. It keeps me alert. It keeps me ready."

"Ready for what?" Klaus asks.

"Ready for anything. How do you think I survived all these years? It's because I thrived on trauma. I was alert of all my surroundings. I knew an enemy when I saw one. I probably shouldn't be saying all this because I probably sound like an insane person or something but I assure you I am not. It's just how my mind works. It's how I survived. What I'm saying is I can't afford to be vulnerable and you...you make me vulnerable."

"I know we make each other vulnerable to many things. I know that but... I... I care about you." Klaus says as his voice lowers.

I knew how much it must've taken him to talk about his feelings because I also don't like talking about my feelings. I know I care about him. I know that I probably love him but I'm not saying it because I'll probably scare him off and scare myself off. This is enough talk about feelings for one day.

"I do too but..." I said but he cuts me off my kissing me.

"No buts, okay?" Klaus says and I nodded as I kissed him and he takes me back to his room.

We're in his room and stands behind me as he unties my dress and I slipped out of it. His lips traveled down my neck and I turned around as I reconnected out lips. It wasn't like any other hookup we had just because we wanted it or just because we can get it from each other. It was something more. Something that was unfamiliar to me.

The next morning I wake up in Klaus's arms. I've never stayed the night even when he'd asked me to I had always said no. Except the one time I got drunk but nothing happened.

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