karaoke?- peter parker

Start from the beginning

"Ready?" Wanda clasped her hands together, smiling wide. "You're going to steal the show tonight, Y/N, and win the man of your dreams."

"I'm not, he's not---" you spluttered, "that's not going to---"

"Shush, honey," she said, briefly placing a finger over your lips, before offering you her hand to help you up, "you look stunning and Peter will fall head over heels for you. Now we should probably hurry up and get going or your dad's probably going to yell at us for taking too long."

The three of you stepped downstairs to the main level of the compound where the party was being held. You could see down below where people were mingling with one another, casually walking around or drinking at the bar but when you looked around, you couldn't seem to see Peter anywhere.

You suddenly felt someone tap on your shoulder, and turned around to see a grinning Cassie in a light pink dress.

"Hi, Y/N!" she greeted you, throwing her arms around your legs and hugging you tightly, making you smile as well.

"Hi, Cassie," you smiled softly, smoothing her hair back. "Where's your dad?"

"With Rhodey," she scrunched her nose in confusion, "comparing their suits. I don't get why they have to turn it into a competition, though."

"Me neither," you chuckled.

"So are you going to sing for the karaoke?"

"Uh...probably not..." you trailed off on your sentence. "There's so many people..."

"Pleeeeease? Do it for me?" she begged, looking up at you with pleading eyes.

"Okay, okay," you sighed, patting her head, "I'll do it for you. Happy?"

"Yep," she giggled before skipping away.

"Y/N!" you heard someone squeal before throwing their arms around you, squeezing tight. "I missed you!"

"Shuri!" you laughed, hugging her back, "it's been so long! How are you?"

"Good, I just got here an hour ago," she explained as she pulled back to look at you. "But you look amazing!"

"Thank you," you smiled, observing her gold, knee-length dress that shimmered every time she moved, "you do too. Do you know where Peter is, by the way?"

"He's over there," she pointed to where Peter was talking animatedly with Quill, most likely discussing music. "And are you going to sing?"

"Only because Cassie wants me to," you shrugged.

"You have an amazing voice, though!" Shuri exclaimed, before an evil grin appeared on her face. and she wiggled her eyebrows, nudging you in the shoulder. "And you know who's eye you're going to catch tonight..."

"Shut up," you mumbled as she burst into laughter.


After going around and greeting all the other Avengers, who all complimented you on your appearance, you wrote your name and your song of choice down on the karaoke sign-up sheet before your instincts took over and you chickened out.

"You're singing too, kiddo?" you heard Clint's voice from behind you. "I didn't exactly peg a Stark as the singer type."

"Yeah," you shook your head, smiling to yourself, "and especially not after the musical marathon disaster. Dad and Thor would not stop making Hamilton references all day and you remember how we had to put up with their awful singing."

He peered over at the list, and his face suddenly paled. "Hm. Interesting. Sam and T'Challa are really good rappers, so I know they're going to nail it, and...oh no."

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now