"Wow there's a lot of people here already," Sam says looking around us. I had to agree with her, I couldn't see anyone I knew from college.

"Wait is that Quinn. QUINN!" cries Sam dragging me over to Quinn's little group, or actually it was huge. Quinn was the blond hair, blue eyed gorgeous cheerleader girl. But she wasn't dumb, and she was never rude or mean to anyone, she treated everyone nicely. So there was no stereotypes there with Quinn, everyone loved her for the right reasons.

"Hey Sam, hey Dani," she calls waving at us. When we get there, Quinn introduces us to her other friends and her boyfriend.

"This is my boyfriend Walker, Walker these are my friends Sam and Dani," she says smiling at us. The guy with his arm around Quinn smiles at the both of us while asking us how we were. He seemed nice enough, short cropped blond hair and blue eyes, if I didn't know they were dating, I would've thought they were twins or siblings.

"Well you girls have fun tonight," Walker says as he excuses himself to grab a drink.

"Well he seems charming Quinn," Sam says smiling. Quinn smiles and watches her guy make his way through the crowd.

"Yes he is, I'm lucky to have him," she says dreamily. We all continue to chat about school, the party and guys for a couple minutes.

"Oh that reminds me, have you seen the two new hot guys yet?" asks Quinn looking at Sam than me. I frown, there had been plenty of hot guys that have pasted us, and there had been many that were new to me.

"Who are they?" asks Sam, clearly interested.

"Oh you'll know when you see them," she says doing a girly laugh. I frown, I really wanted to find these two guys get a look at them. Dani what's happening to you, get a hold of yourself girl. No guys remember, they leave you broken hearted like that last one did. Instead I grab Sam and Quinn's hands and start dancing along to the music.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

{ Hayden's POV }

Well the party was huge, that was the only word for it and crazy. It was so hard to past the people in the crowds, they were so close and cramped.

"Excuse me," says a loud girly voice. I look around to see a small blond chick with bright blue eyes trying to go around me.

"Oh I'm sorry," I say moving so she could get past. The girl looks up shocked.

"Oh you're.. you.." she cries out, pointing at me. I raise my eyebrow, what was this girl talking about. "Hayden, isn't it?" she asks. I nod my head wondering how she knew me. "I'm sorry where's my manners, I'm Quinn, Walker's girlfriend," she says smiling up at me. Oh so she was the girlfriend, I kinda had a feeling she was with the whole cheerleader dress and things.

"Well I better get going my friends are probably missing me, I'll see you around," she says before disappearing in the crowd. Ok than. I try and go back to making my way through the crowd, I notice a lot of chicks look at me. Some even try and give me there numbers where others try and sweet talk me. I don't want any of it, so I walk off towards the music and the makeshift dance floor area.

"Hey mate, what you reckon so far?" I glance up to see Casey on the dance floor, a girl was behind him shyly looking up at me. "This is my girlfriend I was telling you about, Bonni," he says smiling. Bonni says hi and excuses herself to go and talk with her friends. "Don't mind her, she's a little shy sometimes," he states smiling after all. Casey really had it in for Bonni, he was like a little lost puppy following her with his eyes.

"Hey guys how you enjoying the party so far," a loud voice says into I'm guessing a mic so everyone could hear him. His answer was screaming, the screams of all the people around me, going crazy. "Well I've got a special treat for you guys tonight, sense the music player is having some problems keeping up with the music requests.. I've decided to let any singers and or musicians out in the crown, sing tonight and entertain the audience here tonight," he says laughing as the crowd goes crazy with excitement again. "And I've decided to turn this into a little game, first you'll sing a song by yourself then myself and my mate will put you's into groups. The groups will then verse each other to get into the finales, the crowd will decide who'll be the champions of the night. So please come over to the side of the dance floor and put down your names now, we'll start in the next twenty minutes so hurry and get a move on." Casey turns and smiles at me.

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