Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 – I'm back

Hiccup's P.O.V

Astrid laid on the mattress.



Eyes closed, I fear that they never open again. I'll never have the chance meet the beautiful ocean blue eyes. She had been unconscious for one week, hoping for her to wake as soon as possible.

I always find a spare time to visit her after work, my mom brought her flowers yesterday, Fishleg took care of Stormfly, Ruffnut and Tuffnut share stories about Berk, and lastly Snotlout. He would always sharpen her axe which I don't mind at all.

I couldn't help but thinking that this was all my fault. If only the kiss with Heather didn't happen, she would never ended like this.

She's right, she's always right. Heather is like the same old, even Snotlout did not found any attraction to that woman anymore.  She told me Heather never change and I did not believe her.

"When will she wake?" Snotlout groans and sat down beside her on the bed. "I hope as fast as possible. Since when do you care?" I suddenly asked. The jealously came from my skin like poison, lures people into unwanted argument. Shouldn't have asked that, should have sealed my mouth.

"She's also my friend. I care for her too,just so you know." he exclaims and I just nod in agreement. I gently lay my head on Astrid arm. She's sleeping peacefully yet everything's conflicted around her. I lay there and I slowly drift into darkness.

"You are a weak excuse of a chief." a shadow loomed over the darkness. As it came closer to the light, a ringing sound of screams and cries clouded my ears.

The figure reveal itself as Astrid, her skin as pale as the snow, her face looked gloomy, her eyes had dark eyebags, and lips swollen, her body trembles so does her tear streaked eyes.

What happened to her?

"You promised." Her fragile figure walk closer but it did not make any attempt to shout as if she lost all of her strength to do so. "You're a cruel greedy man, I should have never loved you." she shouted at me, words slowly stabbing. "You know you shouldn't have to be with Merida nor Heather, but alas you did it and you just broke my heart!" she shouted again, the words cut deeper more than a knife.

"You aren't real." I shook my head, hoping that my imagination of her dissapears when I open my eyes. "I may not be real." she replies, but not stopping there. "But you know how much you hurt me repeatedly and there's no power on earth that could fix nor heal my broken heart."

"That's not true." I defend, lies. "It's true and you know it." she smirks, knowing that I couldn't decline the truth.

"Wake up boy, you need to wake up and fix it before it's to late."

"I thought you said nothing could fix a broken heart?" I ask, completely dwell in confusion. "I lied." she says, eyes never leaving mine.

"It is actually up to your choice. Make the right decision, you might claim her back. But when you choose the wrong decision, game over." the imaginary Astrid smiles again, this time she slowly dissapears as if she's retreating back to the darkness behind her.

"It's time to wake up !" the voice calls again, louder than before. Without furthermore I force my eyes to open and reality sets in once again on the line of my vision.

Unforgettable Memories [✓]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora