Chapter 21

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Adoette runs through the forest and back into the village. She finally finds Chief Powatan over by the camp fire. "Oh hello darling is everything alright?" He asks as he put his hands gently on her shoulders to keep her from falling over. "Oh.... Everything .... Is ...... Fine...." She says as she takes deep breaths in between her words. "Here sit down and rest. The Chief says as he sets her down on the ground next to the bond fire. She takes a few minutes to catch her breath. "Ok, I came here to tell you that your daughter gave birth to a healthy baby boy, John Smith Jr." She says with a smile. "Oh that's wonderful! Oh! How is Pocahontas? Did she survive the birth?" "Yes of course! Your daughter is a very strong woman. She can handle anything." Adoette says as she holds his hand. "Oh good. I'm so glad she is alright." Powatan says.  "So can we go see her?" Nakoma asks. "Yes but I would hold off for awhile and let her get some rest. She is very exhausted from giving birth." Adoette replied with concern. "Ok we will give her a few hours and then we will go check on her later." Powatan says as he puts a hand on Nakoma's shoulder. Nakoma smiles and runs off to help finish up the decorating.

Meanwhile on the ship.
Pocahontas was sleeping soundly. John Smith was proudly smiling at his son in his arms, Whom, he was rocking back and forth. He was so proud of his wife for delivering their son safely into the world. He just couldn't stop smiling at his son. After a couple of hours, Pocahontas wakes up. She yawns. "Shhhhhh.... You go back to sleep." John tells his wife. She smiles then closes her eyes again. She falls back asleep for a few minutes and then Little John starts to cry. Pocahontas sits up and takes her baby boy. "Ok little one I'm up." She says as she starts to rock him back and forth. "Sweetheart I could of handled it." John said as he puts his arm around the two of them. Little John continues to cry. "No I don't think you could." She says. "And why is that?" John says as he gets a little offended. "Because I think he is hungry." She says as puts the baby up to her breast. John immediately calms down. "Oh sorry, yeah that I can't help with." John says. He looks away. Pocahontas sees this. "John why are you looking away?" John has his hand covering his face. "Because I feel like I should be looking away." John says. Pocahontas giggles. She puts his hand down. "John. You have seen every part of my body. You shouldn't be ashamed to see me like this." John looks up. He thinks for a moment. "You know what? You're right! I'm sorry it's just that I'm used to doing that around women breastfeeding their babies." He states as he runs his fingers through her hair. They pull into a kiss. They smile at each other then look down at their handsome little boy. Pocahontas finishes feeding Little John and rocks him back to sleep. "So John, I've been thinking, What if we live on the ship instead of our house? I mean, we would still live in our house in the day time but I feel like we are safer here on the ship." John was shocked but he understood. "I didn't know you didn't feel safe." John replies with concern. "Well I did until Rolfe showed up. Then I was terrified. He said he was going to kill the baby. I think the baby, you and I will be safer here in the cabin." Pocahontas says sincerely. John pulls her close. "Of course darling. Anything to make you feel safe. I don't want you having any more nightmares. I love you so much. It pained me so much to see you like that." He says as he lets a tear fall down his face. Pocahontas pulls them apart and wipes away his tears. "Hey it's ok John. That's all in the past. It's all behind us. I won't be having those anytime soon." She says with the kindest voice. "Good because I hate to see you like that." He says as he caresses her cheek. "We will have to change the sheets though." Pocahontas nods. Soon after, there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Pocahontas says. The door opens and The Great Powatan walks in. "Oh My Daughter, I'm so glad you are alright." He says as he pulls her into a hug. "What do you mean father? I was just giving birth to my son." She says. "Well not every woman survives after the birth. My mother died giving birth to me." Powatan says. "Oh, I didn't know that. I'm sorry Father. That's terrible to grow up without a mother at all." She says as they pull out of their hug. Her Father nods and then looks at his grandson. "And This must be my first grandchild. May I hold him?" He asks. Pocahontas smiles and nods. She hands over her son to her father and snuggles against her husband. Powatan's face lit up with joy. He was so proud. He has a grandson now. Its amazing how fast the time flew. He just couldn't believe it. He smiles at little John. He was so excited for the young couple to start a family. "Hello there little John. I am your grandfather Powatan, but you can call me Grandfather." He says to the little baby. "Father you know he can't talk yet right?" Pocahontas asks. "Well, of course I do but he is my grandson he needs to know these things." Pocahontas giggles and nods. After a while Powatan gives the child back to his parents. "We have prepared a big  feast to celebrate Little John if you are rested enough." Powatan says kindly. "Oh well that is so sweet of you guys. Yes I think I will be ok for a couple of hours, if John will carry me." She says as she looks at her husband. John smiles. "It would be my pleasure." He says. "Great. We have been getting anxious for this celebration." Powatan says happily. Pocahontas giggles at him. "Ok Father let me change my clothes and I will be down there in a few minutes. Alright?" She says as she looks at her father. "Great I will see you three down there." Powatan says as he leaves the cabin. Pocahontas smiles and then asks her husband to get her a new dress out of the dresser. He nods and gets her a new dress. Then he takes Little John and puts him in a hand made crib, that John made all by himself. Then he helps his wife get dressed and cleaned up. Then John takes his son and gives him to his wife. Then he picked up Pocahontas in his arms and then they were on there way to the celebration.

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