Chapter 5

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John runs to the camp. He sees that Radcliffe really is back. Radcliffe was having his new crew to set up the camp. Radcliffe sees John and motions for him to come over. "What are you doing here Radcliffe? How are you not in prison?" John asks furiously. "The King bought my story and let me go." Radcliffe said. "Well why have you come back? There is gold anywhere in the world. Stop torching us. If it's me you want then leave them out of it and it's between you and me." John says very bravely. "Oh well your little Indian girlfriend is wrong. I will tear this land to pieces if I have to." Radcliffe says. "Not without a fight!" John says. "Oh Bring it on! let me know when you want to battle and prepare to die." Radcliffe says as he walks away.

John runs back to the village. He goes to the Great Powhatan's hut. He enters and finds a lot of the villagers in there. "Great Powhatan. Radcliffe is back and is going to keep digging until there is no land left. we have to fight. I think I can get some of his men to side with us but we will need more help." John says with worry in his voice. The villagers start to chat very worriedly. The Chief raises his arms. "Attention! We will send some men to get our brothers to help us. There is no need to worry. We will defeat this enemy!" He shouts. The crowd goes back to their homes except John Smith and his crew and Pocahontas. Pocahontas pulls her fiancé aside. "John, Please, I can't lose you. I love you so much. I want a future with you." She tells him with fear in her eyes. "Pocahontas if I don't fight, you all are going to die and your home will be destroyed. Don't Worry I wont die. I've Gotten out of worse wars than this. Can't think of any right now though." He says caressing her hair. They embrace tightly. Then they pull into a Passionate kiss. John kisses her once more then rejoins the crew and chief.

Pocahontas runs as fast as she can into the forest. She couldn't lose him. She almost lost him once. She just couldn't go through that again. She followed where the wind was taking her she didn't know it yet but that was the camp. She ran as fast as she could. She reached the camp and was listening to the wind. Why would it take her here? This is the cause of her pain. Why would it bring her somewhere that caused her pain? She watched them for a little while. Then she sees Radcliffe and gets really really angry. She forces herself to run the other way. She was scared, She was sad, and most of all, she was missing the peace of her land. She found herself getting angry. So she runs as fast as she can through the forest trying to ease her pain. She runs and runs until she can't run anymore. She falls to the ground and passes out.

After a few hours, John was getting worried. He hadn't seen his fiancé since the big meeting. He waits a few more minutes. Then he decides to go look for her. He runs all through the forest and searches for hours. He evens goes to Grandmother Willow to see if she had been there. "Grandmother Willow I need to talk to you." He shouts. Her worried face appears in the tree. "John the earth is trembling. What is the matter?" She asks. "Grandmother Willow! Its a long story. Radcliffe is back and out for revenge. On top of that I can't find Pocahontas anywhere. Have you seen her?" He asks very worriedly. "No I haven't seen her, but I wouldn't worry, she is probably just roaming the earth. Sometimes she is out roaming for hours." She tells him. "I don't think that's it this time. I have this feeling in my gut that says something is wrong." He says. "John you must keep searching for her." Grandmother Willow says. "Oh I won't stop until I find her." He says as he runs off. He runs off and searched and searched. Soon he stopped for a breather and right there in front of him was his fiance unconscious on the ground. "Pocahontas! Oh my gosh!" He shouts, as he scoops her up in his arms. He checks her pulse, and finds that she is still alive. "Hold on baby, I promise I won't let you die." He says as he runs back to the camp. He brought her to her father's tent. "Chief! I found her lying on the ground in the forest. She's cold but still breathing. Can you build a fire? Please I'm afraid she's going to die." John says franticly. Her father goes and exams her. "Quickly take her outside to the camp fire and we will set a fire and I will get her a blanket." Her father says. John nods. He takes her to the camp fire. One of the Indians comes and starts the fire. The chief comes over and brings a couple of blankets. "Keep her warm. We will have to hope she wakes up." The Chief says walking away. John wraps her heavily in the blankets. "Come on baby! Come back to me! I want to have a future with you too. Please I love you so much!" He cries. He kisses her head and lets a tear fall down his face.

After a few hours, Pocahontas starts to wake up. John feels her moving and gasps. Pocahontas opens her eyes. "Oh John I missed you." She says giving him a big hug. "Oh Pocahontas. I thought you might never wake up. Oh Pocahontas! I love you so much." He says as he pulls her into a long deep passionate kiss. Pocahontas looks confused as they pull out of their amazing kiss. "What happened?" "I found you unconscious in the woods. I thought I lost you. I promise after Radcliffe is taken care of, we will be married and start our future together." John says as he holds her close. "Oh I must have tired myself out. I was running to help ease the pain I was having from seeing Radcliffe, but I guess I ran a little too much." She tells him. Then the chief walks up. "Oh My Daughter!" He says as goes and hugs Pocahontas. "Oh Father! I'm Ok really. I just ran a little too much that's all." She tells him. "You scared the whole village to death! I'm so glad John went off and found you." The Chief said. Pocahontas nods. After a while, Pocahontas yawns. "Come on babe lets get you to bed." John says. John takes Pocahontas to her home. The Chief follows. John enters and lies her down on her bed. Her father watches as he puts her to bed. John kisses her goodnight. Just as he was about to leave, she takes his hand. "Please, Don't leave me. I'm scared. Will you stay with me?" He scratches the back of his neck and looks at her father. Her father motions for John to come outside for a moment. John follows the chief outside. "Just don't get my daughter pregnant please." he says. "Oh we already said we wouldn't do that until we are married." John tells him. The Chief smiles. "Then you have my blessing to sleep next to each other to keep her comfortable." The Chief says as he walks away. Then John goes back into his fiancés tent. "Your father told its ok for me to sleep next to you tonight." John says as he gets into bed with her. They pull into a passionate kiss. "Thank you for staying. I'm just scared about Radcliffe." She says as she hugs him tightly. He wraps his arms around her tightly and kisses her head. "Shhhhh.... Don't you worry baby. I will not let anything happen to you." He tells her. "John.... I love you." She says as she snuggles into his chest. "I love you too babe, Now get some rest." He says giving her one last goodnight kiss. She nods and falls asleep.

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