Chapter 20

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They carried Pocahontas back to the ship in time for her to have more Contractions. As soon as they put her on the bed, the men leave except for John. He holds her hand and kisses her head. Then Adoette checks her out to see how dilated she is. "She can't start pushing yet. She isn't dilated enough." Adoette says. John nods and continues to comfort his wife. Pocahontas looks up at her husband. "John, it hurts so bad." She cries. "I know baby, I wish there was something  I could do about it but there isn't." He says as he kisses her lips. "Wait! Grandmother Willow's bark. It helps with pain. Please go get me some." Pocahontas pleads with big hurting eyes. "But Pocahontas I'm not leaving you like this. I can't. Not after what Rolfe did." John says as he runs his hand through her hair. "John it's going to be awhile before she can start delivering." Adoette says. "Ok fine but I will be right back." John says as he starts to leave. Pocahontas nods. Then Nakoma rushes in with some of Grandmother Willow's bark. "Here is some of Grandmother Willow's bark for Pocahontas's pain." She says as she hands it to John. John looks totally flabbergasted. "How did you know?" He asks in shock. "The wind told me. Is there anything else you need?" She asked. Pocahontas shook her head. "Ok then. I will be in the village. You will do great! I will be back to check on you guys later." Nakoma says as she kisses Pocahontas's head. Then Nakoma runs back to to village. Suddenly there was a knock on the cabin door. John answers the door. It was The captain of Rolfe's ship. "Oh wow captain John Smith! What an honor." The Captain says as he bows with respect. "Why, thank you. Now who are you and what do you want? I'm not trying to be rude but my wife is about to give birth." John says. "Oh I'm so sorry to intrude but I was wondering if John Rolfe has been here?" He asks. "Don't say that Monster's name!" Pocahontas yells as she has another Contraction. John steps outside on the cabin to talk to the captain. "I'm sorry to tell you sir, but we had to kill him, he tried to kill me and a few indians, and he tried to take my wife away and was going to kill our child. So we had to shoot him." "Oh I'm so sorry we tried to get him to be reasonable but he just kept acting like a mad man." The captain says. "Well if you guys are on our side you are welcome to stay here. We have plenty of room in the village. Of course we live in the woods." John says as he rambles a little. "Oh thank you. Now you get back to your wife." The captain says shaking John's hand. "Ok but just hang out in the camp on the outskirts of the woods. The Indians may think you are Rolfe's crew coming back for revenge. I will introduce you to the village later." John says as he gets ready to go back to his wife. The Captain nods and thanks him. Then he goes back to his crew.

John Smith returned to his wife. Pocahontas began to scream. The tree bark from Grandmother Willow was helping but she was still in pain. "Don't worry darling, this will all be over soon. You are doing great." John says trying to encourage his wife. "Ok she's almost completely dilated. She should be able to start pushing soon." Adoette says. "Great!" John says as he kisses his wife's head.

Meanwhile in the village

Everyone was getting ready for a celebration for the new baby. They were wrapping gifts and preparing a feast. The Chief was so proud of his daughter and was so excited for them. He was also excited for his first Grand child. Then he started to worry. "What if Pocahontas doesn't make it? My Mother died at birth what if she doesn't make it? What would I do then." He thinks to himself as he starts pacing. Then Kekata, the one who shows the future, comes up and puts an arm around him. "You're worried about Pocahontas aren't you?" He asked. The Chief nods. "Don't worry Pocahontas is a very strong young woman and she will make it." Kekata said confidently. "You're right. She is very strong. She will make it. Thank you for the reassurance." Powatan says as he smiles at his friend. Then they continue to get ready for the celebration.

Meanwhile on the ship

Hours have passed and Pocahontas had been pushing and pushing. She was in so much pain she didn't know if she would make it. "John, ..... I can't do this." She says during breaths. "Of course you can. You have made it this far. Besides Adoette says it won't be long now." John says as he kisses her head again. Pocahontas nods and pushes again. "Ok Pocahontas I can see the head. Just a few more pushes and the baby will be out." Adoette says as she reaches to catch the baby. "That's great news!" John exclaimed. "Just shut up and hold my hand." Pocahontas says. John immediately does as he is told. His wife was scaring him at the moment. She has never spoken to him like that before. She never gets that angry. She is the kindest person in the world to him. "Ok Pocahontas, ready? One, two, three, Push!!!!!!" Pocahontas screams and squeezes her husband's hand. "Great! Ok just one more push and that baby is out." Adoette says. Pocahontas takes deep breaths. "Ok Pocahontas it time for one big final push. Ready? Push!!!!" Adoette says. Pocahontas takes a deep breath and pushes as hard as she could. Then they finally hear their little baby cry. "Congratulations you two it's a boy!" Adoette says proudly. Pocahontas nudges her husband. "I told you!" She brags. John laughs and agrees with her. John cuts the umbilical cord proudly with his knife. Adoette wraps the little baby in a blanket. She holds him for a moment then gives him to Pocahontas. Pocahontas smiles and kisses his head. "What are you going to call him?" Adoette asks. "John Smith Jr. We will call him little John for short."  Pocahontas says with a smile. "That's a great name. Now you three rest and I'm going to go deliver the good news." Adoette says as she leaves the cabin. John gets into bed with his wife. "You did great darling." John says as he kisses her lips. "Thank you. I'm sorry I told you to shut up. I shouldn't have done that." She says as she takes his hand with her free hand. "Darling don't worry about that. You were in a lot of pain besides I'm surprised you didn't start swearing at me." John says. "Really?" She asked. John nods. "A lot of women say things like that during labor, but the never mean it." John explains. "Oh ok well I'm glad I didn't offend you." She says as she yawns. "Now you get some rest and I will hold little John. You are very tired from giving birth." John says taking his son from her. She snuggles up into her husband's chest. John looks at his son and smiles. He was so proud. Little John looked just like his father with blonde hair and blue eyes. He did have his mother's face though. Pocahontas kisses John's cheek and the falls asleep.

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