Chapter 8

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Early the next morning. John wakes up and leaves. He wasn't allowed to see the bride before the wedding. He left a note next to Pocahontas so she wouldn't worry. A little while later Pocahontas wakes up and sees the note. She kisses it for good luck. She runs into the village to find her best friend. She runs into Nakoma's tent like a child on Christmas morning. "Nakoma! Nakoma! Wake up! Wake up!" She says as she shakes her best friend awake. Nakoma groans. "Come on! It's my wedding day. There's only a few hours left to get ready." Pocahontas says. Nakoma finally gets up. They run back to Pocahontas' house. Nakoma helps Pocahontas style her hair in a certain way. They spent hours getting ready. Then the hour was upon them. There was a knock on the side of the house. "Come in!" Pocahontas yells. The Chief walks in. "Oh my daughter, You look beautiful! There is one more thing you need." The chief says as he walks up behind her. "Thank you father, and what am I missing?" She asked totally unaware that she forgot to put on her mother's necklace. He comes up behind her and puts the necklace around her neck. "Oh Thank you Father. I got so excited I forgot about it." Her father chuckles. "I thought you might." A few minutes later everything was ready. 

Kekata was performing the ceremony. John had borrowed a white shirt from one of the crew members. He also had a white blazer on over the white shirt with a rose peeking out of the pocket. Thomas was his best man. The location was gorgeous. John and Pocahontas chose to get married at the place where they met for the first time, The waterfall. They decorated the trees with white streamers. It was beautiful. When it was time, Nakoma went down the isle first. Then the Chief guides his daughter down the isle. The Great Powhatan gives his daughter away. Kekata started the ceremony. "Dearly beloved we have all gathered here today to join these two people into a wonderful and long lasting marriage....." Pocahontas smiles at John. She looks deeply into his deep blue eyes. John studied her whole body with out moving a muscle. He was excited for the honeymoon. She was excited for it too. No one but the two of them sailing around the world. She thought it was the most romantic thing ever. Finally, Pocahontas and John Smith got to exchange rings and say their vows. "Pocahontas, as soon as I landed here on this land. I felt free and felt adventure in this land. Well, as soon as we met, I had a feeling it would be more than just friendship. Pocahontas I love you more than anything and I promise to take care of you for as long as we both shall live." He says. "John Smith, I was very curious and suspicious when I met you, but I grew to know you, and fell in love with you. My people were against it at first, but no matter what happens or who may object to us, I promise to always love and take care of you." She says still holding on to his hands. "Now, do you John Smith take Pocahontas to have and to hold in sickness and in health for richer or for poor?" Kekata asks. "Oh I do with all my heart." He says. "And Do you, Pocahontas take John Smith to have and to hold in sickness and in health for richer or for poor?"
Pocahontas smiles. "I do." She says. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." John embraces her and pulls her into a passionate kiss as the crowd cheers. The reception was small but meaningful there was a big feast for the village.  They all dance and have a wonderful time.  John kisses his new wife in celebration. Pocahontas kisses back.  "Ok ok. Save the rest of that for the honeymoon." The Indian chief says. Pocahontas blushes and smiles at her father. "Yes sir." John says. They all celebrate until dusk. Then Pocahontas and John Smith pack their things and board the ship.  Pocahontas hugs her friends and family. Then gets on the ship. "Anye everyone! we will be back in a couple of months." She says as the ship slowly sails away. They all wave to her and John until they are out of sight.

Pocahontas and John Smith were off on their honeymoon. They were looking out at the ocean against the railing. John had his arms around her tightly. She had her head snuggled into his arms. After a while, it gets dark. John pulls his new wife into a very passionate kiss. "Hey its getting late. What do you say we.... take this to the bedroom?" He asked with a very sexy voice. His voice was so sexy it made Pocahontas's legs go weak, causing her to fall. John catches her. "My legs say yes." She tells him with a laugh. They both giggle. John Picks her up and carries her into the cabin.

There were Rose petals everywhere. The cabin was lite by candles. It was very romantic. He lies her down on the bed. Pocahontas couldn't speak. Her breath was completely taken away. John climbs onto the bed. He kisses her passionately. She moans in delight. John reaches for her dress. Just as he touches it he asks, "May I?" She nods. "Ok let me know if it gets to be too much ok?" She nods with a smile. He slowly takes off her dress. He takes it off and notices she's not wearing any underwear. He is shocked. "John what is the matter?" Pocahontas asks. "Oh Nothing.... Its just that usually people have underwear on underneath their clothes." John says taking in her beautiful body. "Oh really? Well what does it do?" She asks as she gets under the covers to keep warm while she's being curious. "Well it protects us and helps our clothes from getting so sweaty and stuff like that." John explains as he wraps his arms around her. "Do Men wear underwear too?" She asked. "Well, Yes, but we only wear one piece. You see, Women wear a piece on her chest and on her private parts, because..... Please don't take offense to this but your chest..... Kinda.... Pops out more than ours. Do you understand a little more?" He asks her. "A little but I still will have to learn more, but that can wait until later. Its our wedding night." She says. "Ok well whenever you want to learn more just let me know." John says. Pocahontas smiles and nods. "Are you ready?" He asks. She nods and gets out from under the covers slowly. John Practically starts drooling. Once she is out from under the covers, John attacks her neck. After a while Pocahontas gets curious about this underwear thing. "John?" She asks. He stops and looks at her. "Yes Pocahontas?" He asks in that sexy voice again. Her legs go weak again. Luckily she was lieing down. "Can I take off your clothes too?" She asked trying to keep calm. He was making her heart beat like crazy and she wanted to do this with him. That sexy voice of him made her want that. John looks at her with sincere eyes. "Of course, but only if you want to. I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do." He says as he caresses her hair. "I want to. You make me crazy John." She says. "Ok do you want me to kiss your neck while you do this?" He asks trying not to push any boundaries. She nods. He leans down and kisses her neck, biting it occasionally. She slowly takes off his Jacket and then slowly unbuttons his shirt. She takes his shirt off and pushes it aside. She feels of his chest. "You make me weak John Smith." She says as he traces his abs. He laughs. "That's ok I like you this way." He said. She smiles they once again kiss passionately. "It was very romantic. She then looks down at his pants. She stares at his belt contently. He noticed this. "Here let me show you." He says as he unbuckled his belt. "Oh ok." She says. Then she unbuttons his pants. As she pulls down his pants she stares at him looking at his underwear. "I'm sorry I stopped but..... It's just that I have never seen this.... Underwear before." She says looking at it curiously. "Oh that's quite alright." He says as he lies down next to her. "So you don't mind me being curious?" She asks. "No of course not. That is one of  my favorite parts about you. You get curious about things. I love that about you. "So you don't mind me staring at you down there?" She asks. He shakes his head. He chuckled at the awkward moment. "No of course not." John says. Pocahontas studies his underwear a little more. She touches his underwear and John flinched. Pocahontas stops. "I'm sorry did I hurt you?" She asks. "No babe. You just excite me." He says. "Oh ok I was just exploring." "Yes I know babe. You can continue when you're ready. I will try not to move too much." John said holding onto the the bed trying to stay still. She nods. She continues to explore his underwear. "So do women wear these too?" She asks pointing to the underwear. "Well these are men's underwear. Women have smaller underwear." John says. "Oh ok." Then Pocahontas yawns. "Here babe, let's get you to bed. We can explore each other later." He says as he picks his wife up and puts her underneath the blankets. "Ok goodnight John. I love you." She says before kissing him goodnight. John wraps his arms around her and pulls her close. "Goodnight babe. I love you too." Then they cuddled up and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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